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9/7/2017 2:27:34 AM

Linked accounts broken, and clan pop cap concerns for clans over 100 members

Hi all, there's a couple problems with that I want to call to attention which are especially relevant to clans with more than 100 accounts. If these observations are better brought to Bungie's attention via another method, please let me know. A couple of points that need to be taken into account before beginning: I am a destiny newbie. I've not used at all prior to starting a clan this past June. At least some of these observations are specific to Destiny 2 on the PC. At least some of these observations are specific to D2 clans with over 100 members. [b]Linked Accounts[/b] In we can link accounts for PSN, XBL, and For some time I was under the assumption that by linking accounts together, a player with any combination of platform accounts could join a single clan and have that clan functionality on each platform they play on. Now, when you go to join a clan on in present form with multiple accounts linked, you will see buttons on the clan page for "Join #clan_name on $platform." This seems reasonable, I am presented the option to join this clan on any combination of my platforms I see fit. The problem here is that if you join a clan with more than one account, you take up more than one slot in that clan's roster which counts against the 100 player maximum clan population. It is quite easy to run into a situation where you have one person occupying up to three slots in your clan headcount. "Well if you only want accounts for a certain platform you should be better about cleaning up your roster and kicking duplicates", you might say. Unfortunately this is not always an easy task as the clan admins and founder only have inconsistent means of identifying users with linked accounts at a glance: as users may choose not to display certain accounts on their profile and names can be different across platforms. Policing your roster(s) without making mistakes is very difficult at present and requires you do a lot of reconciling account names manually. Frankly, the linked accounts functionality is broken; given the 100 player population cap on clans it is very frustrating to see instances where one player can take up as many as 3 clan slots. [b]Clan population cap, and platform based friends list caps[/b] I understand that there are likely technical and/or balance reasons as to why clans are capped at 100 accounts. So far my clan is working around this problem by standing up three clans on (two for PC membership and one for future use currently being used as a parking lot for console accounts) As I see it the main issue with this population cap in the context of large clans is going to be the in game clan roster. For example let's say we have two clans: Alpha and Bravo. I am in Alpha. When I am in game, I will see my clan roster with all the Alpha members. In order to bring members of Bravo into games, I will have to bloat my Blizzard friends list in order to see those players online and invite them to my fireteam. While this is not an immediate concern for me personally, users with large friends lists could have trouble with this as last I heard the Blizzard/ friends list is capped at 200. [i]Nobody wants to deal with cleaning up their friends list when what they want to be doing at that moment is partying up to play a game.[/i] The simplest solution that I see to this problem from out here in player-land looking in is for Bungie to allow for clan alliances in D2, similar to how alliances worked prior to the August maintenance which enabled D2 clans. Specifically, this functionality should exist in conjunction with a filter option on the in-game clan roster which would allow display of all members of the Alliance the player belongs to, with a method for toggling display of the roster between the alliance and the user's clan members only. I'm very curious as to what the larger, established Destiny community's thoughts are on this matter. And to any other 100+ member clans out there, if these problems were dealt with in D1 already and you have any advice on dealing with these hurdles, please feel free to message me! Thanks for your time.



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