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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
9/20/2017 10:19:55 PM

Ps4 Clan Recruit (RRs)

[quote][b][u]Risk Runners[/u][/b] Hello Fellow Guardians Risk Runners are looking to Recruit You! We are a Very Friendly Clan Welcoming Mature Kids and Adults as strategy are still being developed for Raid we plan to run a whole lot as soon as the Clan numbers are up to par Excepting all time zones as we are trying to keep people on from clan mostly all the time so we get content XP coming in We run NightFall Trails Heroics MileStone Strikes Lost sectors You Name it we Do it Rapidly Growing and Welcoming More and More by the day [b][u]Theres No Gain Without Risk[/u][/b] Join Today[/quote]



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