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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Dooplis: 10/8/2017 10:45:29 PM

Leviathan Raid Issues/Bugs That Need To Be Addressed!!

I’m going to start off by saying, that these are issues in the Raid, that REALLY need to be addressed.These issues are a really big problems that me and the twitch community that I’m in have experienced a lot ever since the raid launched. The following are the issues that we have encountered: Ammo Shortage Issue: I know for sure that other people can agree with me on this one. It might not be an issue in other PvE content like Patrol, but ever since the Raid released, it’s grown into a big pain point, all though this seems to be an issue in each encounter, it’s mainly noticeable in the Callus fight. Although there tends to be a shortage of all the ammo types, there’s mostly a shortage of Kinetic/Primary ammo dropping from ads. This, makes it a real struggle for the people who stay in the Wind Tunnel/Void Room in the Callus fight who need ammo to shoot the Psions and the Counselors. Pleasure Garden/Dog Encounter: This probably isn’t one of the most main issues because it can happen at random, but I guess it’s worth mentioning. Each of the AI of the dogs/beasts seem to glitch out at random times. Sometimes they see the prism relic holders up top even though they aren’t in their sights, sometimes they even see one of the orb relic holders down in the garden even though they’re clearly behind cover. Also, sometimes the dogs even break their paths at random and race towards the people down in the gardens even though they already passed them. Callus Encounter Issues: There’s a few issues to note here, so bare with me. As I mentioned before, the ammo shortage is in fact one of the big issues, but here’s some of the other issues. In the Wind Tunnel/Void Room, there’s a glitch where the people in there, mainly on the right side, would slide through the purple barrier like the barrier wasn’t even there as the team is progressing. The other two people would get stopped at the barrier like normal though. There’s an issue during the damage phase where Callus suddenly goes immune during moments where he’s not supposed to, I’m not an expert on the mechanics yet, so maybe someone can add to this, and maybe this is supposed to happen. This one is more of an annoyance with what the enemy AI decides to do, but maybe it might be a glitch. It has to do with the 3 Psion’s who spawn in the Wind Tunnel. Sometimes one of the Psions throw their voidwall grenades as soon as they spawn, thus barely giving any of the three people in there time to shoot them to avoid getting launched. The other issue involves one of the three Psions jumping from where they initially spawn, to another side of the platform. This usually happens 1-2 seconds after they spawn. That’s about it, sorry that this post is a little bit lengthy. This is all the Raid issues that I have encountered, if anyone has experienced any other issues, feel free to list them in the replies. [i][b]Edit:[/b][/i] I realised that I forgot about one. There seems to be a weird issue where usually every person in the fireteam except 1 person spawns in dead after the encounter loads back up from everyone either dying or wiping. Sometimes, having the 1 person alive dying and restarting the encounter doesn't fix it too. I've personally only experienced this when my team was at the Bathhouse and the Callus Encounter, but I've seen it on Twitch streams and heard about it happening to other people too. [i][b] Edit #2:[/b][/i] I've been hearing that the issue where the right guy in the Wind Tunnel goes through the barrier isn't a bug b/c there's a small little nudge that boosts them over. Also apparently the issue with Callus going immune is a timer restriction. [i][b]Edit #3:[/b][/i] Just found a new glitch. I'm watching my friend's stream where he's doing a raid and they had Callus to his last bit of health, but once they finished his health bar off, Callus never entered his final stun. He just stood up there and kept shooting. They were doing the 4/2 strat where 4 people stay in the Wind Tunnel, and 2 people go back to the throne room. We don't know what caused the glitch to occur, whether it was jumping up to Callus's plate to use their super on him too soon, doing too much damage before his final stun, or maybe it just happened at random.



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  • Modificato da Gricey95: 2/27/2018 2:05:12 PM
    There is another bug that is not mentioned in this post! As you are punching the psions for the prestige mechanic at callus, one psion will randomly (not always) decide to just disappear out of thin air. Thus, causing someone in the void to teleport from void to thrown and another to teleport twice ending in the same position in the void. The ending result is 4 in the thrown room and 2 in the void which can cause a wipe in most cases. This bug has happened to my clan raiding team countless times and is frustrating when we are doing very well. Please let me know if this is happening to anyone else? As its a big issue in the callus encounter which I cannot find anywhere else on the internet.



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    • Still having the issue of everyone not respawn if after a wipe. Some people say switch your helmet, or boots, or exotic. That works sometimes but not always. Last night, I was told when flying in to the leviathan to make sure your not changing your load out. You can before you launch, or after you land. So that makes sense as to why changing gear works sometimes, cause someone randomly goes back to what hey had when flying in. I just wish they would acknowledge it...



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      • ha iniziato una nuova discussione: Leviathan Shadow Realm issue

      • In regards to wind tunnel room bugs, I don't think those are bugs besides the barrier one which I've only seen happen on the first barrier after a councilor has been punched and the second barrier is up. Considering you can shoot the psions as soon as you see the particle effect of them spawning I think it's fair they can throw their thing as soon as they actually spawn. There is one spot on the right side of the 4th barrier that is messed up though but I think it's just because the tile is raised high enough to get you sucked over the barrier. Other than those two things I haven't noticed anything wrong with the wind tunnel room.



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        • Modificato da KiwidudeGamer: 10/10/2017 7:15:58 AM
          Out of that list the highest priority genuine bug (most of the rest being somewhat explainable due to connection issues or timing/mechanics) is your last addition about only some of the fireteam spawning back into the encounter after a wipe. I completed the raid 6 times this week, 3 of those we had this issue pretty much non-stop the entire night for every wipe. We had to try various people in the team doing a "change character" to log out at which point magically the rest spawn in, then we wait for those who left to join back up. This happens at *every* encounter, incredibly annoying if you are taking inexperienced people through and hence more wipes expected than usual. When it happens at Calus, he doesnt appear up on the throne room while this bug is happening. The shadow realm definitely has some flakiness to it, such as pulling players prematurely right through the first barrier (to stop on the second) while the right bubble psion is still spawning in, had that happen a few times.



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          • Ammo issues: The "Juggler" modifier seems to be on by default in Destiny 2. If you want primary ammo, kill stuff with your energy weapon. I've played the raid several times, usually get the highest or 2nd highest amount of kills in my team, and never run out of ammo.



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            • While learning the stupid howling mutt stage last night we started the encounter and 4 of us dropped down to the pollen room. There was a mutt in there waiting for us. Needless to say it saw us so we waited for the howling to stop, the door opened and the thing just sat there and saw us again. As we had been at it for around 2 hours at this point we had to laugh.



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            • Calus ‘goes immune’ on the 4th plate because of the timer. There are two timers in the Calus damage phases. The first is the timer on each plate which is self-explanatory. The second is the overall timer which is what you’re experiencing. The longer you take to get onto a first plate will start to eat into the overall timer and so will end the damage cycle. In other words, use one of the back plates first as soon as the three from the shadow room spawn in. The ‘punching dogs’ nonsense is what kills time. This was on Reddit a while ago so I’m confused as to why a Twitch-pro wouldn’t know about this mechanic instead of calling it a bug?



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              • I was wondering if the issue where the prism holders getting spotted was a bug or just me screwing something up. Glad to see I'm not the only one. here's another during the dogs encounter. Dying even when you're in the safe house, the few times this happened we were just starting the encounter, and got through our first phase. All of us were in the safe house and STILL died despite only going through one phase.



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                • The wind tunnel on the right side it is not a bug or a glitch or something wrong in the game. There is a small ramp that everyone hits and they go right over the wall. But of course they are not going to own up to it on making a mistake they will just blame it on a bug or a glitch.



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                  • The last issue you mentioned, everyone but one or two people spawning in dead after a wipe in Calus' room has happened to me multiple times, is very annoying and needs to ne addressed.



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                  • The Dog one I think is due to a team mates connection. We were seeing all kinds of odd stuff with the dogs one night. Hell one ran right up to the 4 with the pollens shook his head then went back to his path. But most of the time it was due to the dogs seeing someone when there was no way it could happen. We then had a person get disconnected and they decided they had enough so we pulled in another clan mate. 10 minutes later we had it done.



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                    • Modificato da FearNoFsh: 10/6/2017 12:40:59 PM
                      I have a solution for ammo for those of you that stay in the wind tunnel. When you're being teleported back to the main room all the dogs start to spawn. The way we do it, the ones being teleported back to the main room are the only ones allowed to kill the dogs. The other three that were already in the room just jump around and avoid the dogs so the other three can get their ammo back. Works like a charm every time.



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                      • The Dog one I think is due to a team mates connection. We were seeing all kinds of odd stuff with the dogs one night. Hell one ran right up to the 4 with the pollens shook his head then went back to his path. But most of the time it was due to the dogs seeing someone when there was no way it could happen. We then had a person get disconnected and they decided they had enough so we pulled in another clan mate. 10 minutes later we had it done.



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                      • I have not experienced any glitches in the raid, yet. Seems like your team didn’t own up to mistakes. Imo



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • The ammo isn't really an issue at all and a vast majority of these "glitches" are just people not paying attention.



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                          38 Risposte
                          • In the void room theres a little bump peoole dont see. No glitch



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                            1 Rispondi
                            • The only real bug is the spawn issue after wipe. Everything else is just because of mistakes.



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                            • Dont forget about the infinite death glitch at gauntlet. If you finish the encounter right as someones rez counter expires or within a second of each other, you will complete the encounter and a chest will be awarded but everyone will constantly die. Its annoying and supposedly they fixed it but it happened to me and my team on wednesday at guantlet. Is pretty funny but annoying at the same time lol



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                              4 Risposte
                              • I’ve had the death spawn issue at the gauntlet a few times. We wipe and instead of respawning, one person’s ghost shows up and no one else while nothing happens. The fix to rez is for that person to leave the game and come back BUT it can keep reoccurring and different people are the one who won’t respawn. It would be nice to go to orbit then reload BUT [spoiler]OH WAIT NO CHECKPOINTS SO YOU HAVE TO RUN BACK THROUGH THE UNDERBELLY!!![/spoiler]



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                              • I encountered a glitch where dogs get caught on each other and stick like that on each other until someone agros them.



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                              • Wind tunnel Psion insta-bases is super frustrating. There's literally nothing you can do but get shot into the abyss. Also experienced many of the pleasure garden bugs mentioned. We've had dogs look right at us and do nothing. Also been detected when no LoS.



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                                3 Risposte
                                • 2
                                  My biggest qualm is the bugged re spawn after a wipe. Happened twice in the gauntlet. Sending someone to orbit remedies it, but it's annoying as hell. Haven't experienced many other issues aside from lag. We once had calus almost immediately bomb the first platform after we jumped on, lol.



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                                  • Dogs are super buggy at times I have literally had the dogs spawn in the safe room more than once then get stuck in the doors always a good laugh but still should not happen also very rarely done the wind tunnel but the few times I did that right side no matter what always got pulled through the barrier regardless. As far as the calus immune sequence the only one I see is after about half damage or so seems to happen everytime so I assume its supposed to be that way



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                                  • This was well thought out at accurate... Ammo shortage sucks but seems to happen when stuck at calus, and those yellow bars either drop only heavy or nothing at all. Still though, downing him felt great the first time...



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                                  • I'm sure they'll get all this fixed by next fall or so



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