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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Codykins: 10/14/2017 1:03:45 AM

Destiny 2 - Shelved; My Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading my thread. Let me first start off by saying, that I have sifted through the toxicity of these forums for what will mark 10-Years in the coming months. Things never used to be as bad as they are now, but expectations and entitlement have pushed people to new lows, so take what you read ahead to your own liking, it is merely my insight, analysis, and opinions.. [b]EDIT NOTE #1:[/b] Thank you all for your words, wisdom, input, and thoughts. I appreciate the time and effort you've put into both taking the time to read my thread, and reply, good and bad. Didn't know this thread would take off the way it did. [b]EDIT NOTE #2:[/b] Perhaps some of you misunderstand, I'm not permanently quitting, I am shelving the game until things are fixed, preferably in the near future, or unless my friends message me to help them in activities. To those giving me the obligatory "Git Gud in D2", I have a 2.0~ K/D Ratio in both games, and I only Solo Queue unless my friends need help, thank you. This topic will culminate my final thoughts of Destiny 2, why I'm going back to Destiny 1, and why it is not only the biggest letdown I've ever had to my gaming history, but to why it is also a lifeless shadow/shell of Destiny 1. [url=]The game will now sit in my game room, as of tonight, as a collectors item, and nothing more[/url]. The only time I will play it now, is if somebody on my friends list personally wants/needs my help. Let's begin. I decided to log into Destiny 1 tonight and play 5 games of Crucible. [url=]I cannot even begin to explain how much better Destiny 1 not only feels after playing Destiny 2, but how it handles, and how much stronger, faster, and less held-back you feel. I felt like a god jumping into Control and quite literally slaughtering the enemy team single-handed.[/url] I had more fun again than I could put into words. Then I remembered Destiny 2 was a thing again. Bungie has literally watered down everything we ever loved about Destiny, in Destiny 2. Everything feels weaker, everything feels slower, everything feels forced. The truth of the matter is, while processing the hype, taking in the story-line (something we can all agree was better than Destiny 1's) and going through it all, many began to fathom the realization that there is essentially no end-game, no reason to grind after a certain period of time. I even deleted my Titan to make a second Warlock and ran through the Campaign, again... Then deleted my Hunter and lost motivation entirely after I created him again. I often find myself sitting in orbit thinking of SOMETHING to do to have fun in this game. Destiny 2 eliminates any sense of individuality that the first game presented, and instead tries to force us to cope with relying on people we don't even know, which in turn causes frustration. Bungie has essentially weakened everything to the point where it FORCES teamwork in order to even get through a casual Crucible match. Abilities take far too long to recharge (Even with EVERY piece of armor having the "Abilities recharge quicker when using <Subclass>", Supers take far too long to get, and feel significantly weaker now, due to energy weapons doing 1.5x damage to someone in their super (Honestly, who thought this was a good idea, especially since you essentially only get ONE super per game now, I could see it being viable if it was like D1, where you could get 3-4 supers per match). A lone guardian can now take someone out of their super with an energy auto rifle faster than if they didn't have their super active. That's extremely backwards, considering a super not only takes ages to charge, but is supposed to be...Well, Super. A not so-super choice, Bungie. PvE has almost nothing going for it when you bridge your power level at around 280, apart from the Raid - But wait, that essentially has nothing going for it either besides the smallest bit of vanity. Why do I say that you ask? The weapons have near-nothing special about them besides appearance, which brings me to the biggest problem this game faces: Fixed Rolls / Stats. Many assumed this would be a good thing, many assumed a bad thing. I've stuck with the bad, and for good reason(s). Fixed rolls have made this game extremely stale. Customization and Play-style have both been hindered and extremely limited by this simple thing. If you want specific traits (Resilience, Mobility, Recovery) you have to give up customization almost completely to get the stats you want. Not only that, but having fixed rolls / stats also has removed 95% of replayability. By removing rolls on weapons / armor, you've essentially removed almost any need to continue playing after you reach 305. Destiny 1 had it right; 3 Years, and there was still things to go for. Perk rolls made a gun or armor have dozens and dozens of possibilities; Dozens! You could essentially customize your ENTIRE playstyle, both gameplay and vanity wise. Like that armor? Get it to drop with the right stats you want and you could wear it doing whatever you pleased. Like that gun, but it has bad stats? No problem, get the right perks on it and you could fix / balance the stats out and make the gun usable and fit your play style needs. These things don't exist in Destiny 2. Bungie, you've essentially limited everything we're able to do, mainly for the sake of player-vs-player. Individuality in PvP is nearly gone, and you're forcing teamwork. Customization has been limited to the point where we have to sacrifice nice looking armor or weapons in order to obtain optimal gear for activities, due to perks and stats being fixed, Everything feels exponentially weaker, especially in PvP, everything is too slow paced, and you can essentially walk away from 1v1's if you're losing. I want to feel like I'm shooting more than a marshmallow gun at my enemies. PvE has non-existent replay value after you've completed the campaign / adventures, apart from Public Events, which is only used for farming exotics at this point, what little exotics there are. I mean, at this point, I have essentially almost every single legendary in the game vaulted right now, it's ridiculous. Also, Exotics feels extremely...Not-Exotic in this game. Even after Three of Coins became a thing in Destiny 1, atleast exotics felt superior over legendary gear. Not so much in this game. Things need to seriously change in this game, Bungie. I want to love this game, I really do, but...I just can't, not right now. According to logs, players are leaving this game faster than I've ever seen. Things needs to feel stronger, we need to feel less held-back, we need incentive to keep playing; Stuff to work for, stuff to grind for, stuff to desire. [u][b]I'll end with saying this:[/b][/u] Pop Destiny 1 back in your Xbox / Playstation, give it a try again for a day. I promise you won't regret it, I'm even deleting a character and starting anew. [b] Final Note: ALL the Playstation Exclusives are now available on Xbox on Destiny 1.[/b] Thanks for reading my thoughts. Remember, this is all opinion / insight. You'll know where to find me; On the game I love.



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  • I've been coming onto the forums on a daily basis because I loved DESTINY so much, and I have been almost in shock that I have NO DESIRE to play D2 after less than a month of play time. I have literally been watching Netflix for the past week, and even had time to turn on the console for IB last night and I opted not too. Why? Because as painful as this is to admit, D2 has fallen backwards not forwards into playability. After 3 years of development and learning from mistakes in D1; they implemented no imagination, no creativity, and no new enemies or options that makes you want to play again and again. The worlds are beautiful don't get me wrong; but I just imagine the designers just working on that for 3 years and nothing else. D2 is stale and flat... all my friends that don't play destiny knew how excited I was, saw the t shirts I always wore showing my enjoyment of the game; and them asking me, "boy I bet you're not getting any sleep right now! ". I tell them no D2 is kind of a Let down. I say kind of as to a misbelief that something must be wrong with me. But that's not the case. When you invest into a game that truly becomes a HOBBY and you lose that desire not to play anymore, it's a true loss because you want to find something that will get that drive back. Unfortunately for now there is nothing. Nothing to make me want to lose sleep; or lose track of time. I'd much rather spend my time feeling like I'm NOT WASTING MY TIME. THANKS OP. I appreciate your post and feel for you. Many of us are in the same boat. With your collectibles on the shelf I see how much you loved this game as well. Peace.



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    • you are a god in D1 because all the good players are in D2



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      • Modificato da Mara Sov’s Step Bro: 10/13/2017 2:42:11 PM
        Is there even any points to threads like this. The amount of stuff they need to change is insurmountable and likely won't occur until destiny 3. I like destiny 2 but after going back to D1... My god. The exotics suck in D2 in aesthetics and function. The environments in D1 are a lot darker and scarier. Especially the strikes. The strikes themselves have more corridors and rooms and side passages and overall are designed better with more platforming The armor looks a trillion times better. The combat... eh. I actually prefer D2 nightstalker over D1. The reload dodge is nice. The climb is nice Grenade launchers suck. LMGS weren't even that good but still looked cool. Weapons... legendary are a lot more diverse in D1 Just picked up a scout today with explosive rounds AND triple tap. Strike loot is a bonus. Grinding strikes especially with 3oc is a bonus. Overall. I think I'm going to main D1 and keep D2 casual. And I'm OK with that. I have a lot of unfinished business in D1 It's just really too bad they wouldn't give D1 the QOL updates that D2 a map... and not having to orbit to select stuff



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      • Modificato da deutschrider: 10/12/2017 12:54:58 PM
        Things they took out, making the game worse: SUBCLASS VARIATION (two fixed trees??) REASON: It decreases creative and unique builds, and Mark Noseworthy’s reason for this is an actual insult to our intelligence. SUBCLASS PERKS (some of which have been moved to exotics) EXAMPLE: D1 Perk Angel of Light is not selectable, and is now the exotic perk for Wings of Sacred Dawn. I can no longer run Angel of Light and another exotic, I am forced to choose. This limits the subclass builds even further. JUMP MOBILITY (Titan skating, Warlock focused burst) REASON: Characters now feel like they’re tugging an anchor behind them compared to D1. MAIN CHARACTER DIALOGUE: I feel less connected to my character and the dialog in general. The ghost voices most of what we wanted to say anyway; why not just make some of those lines for our character? To quote another user on here (can’t remember where I saw it) “we just gaze around like we’re handicapped when spoken to, and the ghost becomes our floating response box.” D1 SHADER SYSTEM: With the move to consumable shaders, I am changing up my look way less often (actually not at all) because I don’t want to go out and re-earn more shaders. This decreases player customization. MACHINE GUNS: Seriously, where are they? Did anyone ask that they be removed? RANDOM WEAPON/ARMOR ROLLS: The most baffling decision by far with this game. There are no more god rolls to grind for. This is our current end game, well said by Slayerage: Yesterday I did my milestones for the week, dismantled the repeat gear I got from that, turned in the tokens I got from doing them, dismantled the repeat gear I got from that, then turned in the gunsmith parts I got from all that and dismantled the repeats I got from that. At the end of the day, I had managed to start back at square 1 - my factions didn't rank up (since that's not a thing anymore), and my gear wasn't better.” VENDORS WITH LEGENDARY GEAR (with a new roll every week I might add): Wish this would return with random rolls. I enjoyed running around seeing what these vendors had every reset, and trying out a new weapon that looked interesting. PERMANENT FACTIONS: The rally was cool, but why not have that every week, with a different weapon on offer? Why can’t I continuously rank up a faction for a package like D1? VAULT SPACE / ORGANIZATION: The vault is smaller again, and the ways to organize are not that useful. We’re not still limited by 360/PS3, are we? What’s the excuse now? SECONDARIES BEING SECONDARIES IN PVE: It is time to split PVP and PVE. I like the dual primary system for PVP, but pecking away at bosses with two primaries is tedious. DECENT ABILITY/SUPER COOLDOWNS: These are much slower, and our characters feel less like space magic wielders, and more like CoD soldiers. CHROMA: I liked the way characters looked with a glow, and sadly this is no longer an option. DEAD GHOSTS: It was a good amount of fun running around each planet, jumping up to areas I hadn’t explored before, hunting these down. Just something else that was fun to do. GRIMOIRE SCORE: When everyone was max light, this was how you could tell who actually put their time into this game. I’m not saying it was a reason to brag or be elitist, but it was more of a badge of honor for me. STRIKE SCORING: This made a mundane strike playlist actually feel more fun. I enjoyed the badges popping up and letting me know what I killed and how. STRIKE EXCLUSIVE LOOT, CHESTS, AND KEYS: This was yet another fun reason to grind strikes, and it is now gone as well. People would play for hours trying for that Imago or Grasp, why would you remove that? HEROIC STRIKE PLAYLIST WITH MODIFIERS: Every Tuesday I’d check to see if it had a burn (it almost always did) and I would play around with different loadouts and just burn through each strike. It was fun. It felt powerful. BEING ABLE TO QUEUE UP ANY STRIKE OR MISSION ON THE MAP: Seriously, why are these not on the map anymore? LEVEL DIFFICULTY: Being able to select a higher difficulty of enemies, for strikes or missions, and in turn get better loot. Being overleveled for content and being able to just run straight through to the end isn't fun. On that note: AI INTELLIGENCE: BDobbinsFTW put up a very effective video showing how dumb the AI is, and how casual friendly this game has become. Please make higher difficulty selectable with smarter AI. This was something you had in Halo, 10 years ago! RUMBLE: The only playlist where you didn’t have to worry about terrible teammates. Also, I found this to be a great place to hone PVP skills. It made you think about your engagements, it taught you to think quickly. I miss it. 6v6, 3v3: Different match sizes have a different feel. I’d even go one step further and implement something like Big Team Battle, 8v8. This was something you had in a game 10 years ago called Halo 2, remember? CHOOSING THE CRUCIBLE GAME TYPE: Again, Crucible variety has been restricted. Used to be able to choose between Clash, Control, Supremacy, now that choice is forced on us. There isn’t even a voting system. There is a pathetic lack of choice here. SRL: Added a new dimension and utilized a form of travel for a different purpose. It was decently fun. Why isn’t this permanently around? A LINEAR RAID WITH ACTUAL CHECKPOINTS: Having to play the first part of the raid over and over is tedious and unnecessary. UNLIMITED REVIVES FOR REGULAR MODE: With the way the raid is (no hero moments, one person screws up and it’s a wipe) adding the revive mechanic was just unnecessary, causing more wipes. RAID LOOT DROPS: Why move this over to a vendor? Takes that excitement out of completing a raid section. OHK STICKY GRENADES: Yes they were OP in D1, but they should’ve nerfed tracking instead of damage. You should have to earn your sticks, similar to how tripmines use to be. SLOT WEAPON INFUSING (now it’s by type only; AR to AR, HC to HC, etc) REASON: This forces you to use whatever weapon is the highest light. You like scouts but the game only gives you HC’s or AR’s? Too bad, you have to use those, you can’t infuse them into your favorite scout. Not all feedback needs to be bad. Here are things they added, making the game better: MULTIPLE SPAWN LOCATIONS: Spawning into the same location on every planet was a poor and lazy choice in D1. Nice move with this. FREQUENT AND NOTATED PUBLIC EVENTS: This is the best improvement over D1. Going on Patrol is fun! Hopping all over the map to each public event was fun and rewarding! APPLYING SHADERS TO WEAPONS: Increases customization, which is a good thing. Make them nonconsumable! TRANSMAT EFFECTS: A nice cosmetic touch. Just wish they weren’t consumable, and you could preview them. COHESIVE (albeit cliché) STORY: At least this story made sense. It had its holes for sure (why didn’t Ghaul put a bullet in our brains, and how did we survive that fall! Why didn’t we tell the Vanguard about the shard of the Traveler so they could get their light back too, why did Ghaul kill his friend but then take his advice anyway) I really wish more of D1’s questions were addressed, but this is a step in the right direction. The bar was set pathetically low here with D1 however. LORE IN GAME: It is nice walking up to something, having a ghost scan it and tell us something. The scannable items aren’t that obvious however. I was hoping to see more of a Navi from Legend of Zelda effort, where if we were in close proximity he would fly over. We had the option to acknowledge or not. NEW WEAPON TYPES (Coldheart, SMG, grenade launcher): Solid additions to the game. More variety is always a good thing.



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        43 Risposte
        • Modificato da PapaHeavy2: 10/13/2017 8:54:31 AM
          Agreed, D2 was a terrible mistake on Bungie's part. Just wait for D3 😉 Luke Smith should have stuck to designing raids, he was a he’s basically a game troll, just here to ruin things



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          • Yep. Only game I have played since day1 vet. This game blows chunks! Shelved and done. Will wait with hope of better stuff.



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          • Are you supposed to feel like a god? Are you supposed to be able to slaughter the entire enemy team using cheap tactics? You ARE after all, matching up against other guardians who have saved the world, just like you. I'm having a good time in the crucible. All about map awareness and team positioning.



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          • All of you are completely wrong with fixed rolls being bad. If we had a thousand more guns with fixed rolls available nobody would complain. It's the extremely small pool of possibilities which is the problem.



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            8 Risposte
            • [quote][i]We are listening[/i][/quote] [i]-Cozmo[/i]



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            • Thank you 100% accurate



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            • I shelved the game a month ago. Its boring. Its the dissappointment thats really frustrating. The opening story was the highlight of the entire game. I regret not just renting the game. Its unfixable now. I just wont be buying anything from bungie or activision. I feel stupid for buying the game, but somewhat satisfied for not getting a season pass. So now they can try to sell year one content as dlc. You can unlock thorn, vex, tlw, and gjallarhorn. My biggest mistake was digital dl. As i cant sell the disk.



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              17 Risposte
              • Modificato da XEGtechnomancer: 10/11/2017 10:34:53 PM
                I played the D1 alpha and beta on PS and the beta on X1, bought the game and all its DLC for both consoles and have played destiny for so long that playing something else feels odd. I completely agree. As far as I've seen, the only person who's become legend in destiny is Gaul. Pvp is broke AF, everything after the story seems dull and flat, the weapons are kinda lame creating a big gap in viable weapons. Even special weapons from trials, iron banner and the raid (with the exception of the shotgun) have nothing going for them except a re skin, which seems to be bungie's specialty. It makes me sad my favorite game has shriveled into this. For a game that stresses becoming legend they really focus on making everyone the same and not allowing you to play the way you want to.



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              • Modificato da drvankmen: 10/12/2017 6:36:31 PM
                Good post. Can you imagine if there was a mass migration back to D1 and they had to shut it down? Don't want to disrupt the dress up micro-transaction machine that is D2. Oh lord... i can see this happening. I am going back to D1 when i want a destiny fix, for now i am playing anything that Activision has not touched.



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              • Mega Bump



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              • Modificato da Ez: 10/12/2017 5:22:40 PM
                [quote]I cannot even begin to explain how much better Destiny 1 not only feels after playing Destiny 2, but how it handles, and how much stronger, faster, and less held-back you feel. I felt like a god jumping into Control and quite literally slaughtering the enemy team single-handed. I had more fun again than I could put into words.[/quote] I'm sure the enemy team had as much fun as you did. Somehow if their feelings were put into words we it's a safe bet we wouldn't be able to repeat them here.



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                • I can feel Your pain ,you are not the only one. We are all in this ****hole together . Lets hope drastic changes will arrive. I knew one day i would go back to D1 just for fun but no way this fast



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                • Solid post.



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                • Yea true. But the game is "balanced" now, which is what everyone whined constantly about in D1. So for everyone who cried "nerf" in D1, are you happy now? Enjoying your balance?



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                  • They just tried a bunch of new stuff. Of course it wouldn't all be a home run. I expect a bunch of changes with the expansion. If not and it stays this way then there will be a problem.



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                  • I disagree about weapon rolls leading to customization, all that happened is people chased the God roll loop or malock or whatever it was. Having people with the same guns and rolls is no different to D2 regardless of their fixed nature.



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                  • I gotta say, all these complaints about D2 stem from people complaining soooo much about D1. Think about D1 there was so much crying about nerfing wepons, peole where complaining they felt overpowered by someone in pvp who over a wepon or their abilities. Soooo much crying. I think bungied tryed to fix that to make people happy but as the old saying goes' you can make sum ppl happy some of the time but you cant make all the ppl happy all the time'. I just thought it funny when ppl complained how stuff should be nerfed all so they could be at the same level as everyone who was wrecking them. Totally warped to expect that. Theres always going to be someone better. "I think" why things are so stale in D2 is it saves them from having to dum down guns and abilities to help the dummies. D2 is bad thats for sure, I blame that on all the tears from D1. Thats my opinion anyway



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                  • 32
                    Is it wrong that i am enjoying all the D2 trash talk in the forums far more than playing the actual game. I guess the comments have depth, the game doesn't. Great post dude! See you on D1 sometime ;)



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                    4 Risposte
                    • Modificato da alien70: 10/12/2017 3:55:29 PM
                      Man you nailed it, I have no idea why they screwed the franchise this bad. I played >1700 hours of Destiny 1 (mostly crucible) and always had fun, but I am already looking for another games after 60 hours with Destiny 2, what the hell Bungie! why you would do this to me!



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                    • BUMPZOR.



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                    • They basically took everything we liked in d1 and threw it out or made it neutered to the point of being obsolete. They dumbed down the game so much it's not even interesting. I suck at PvP but enjoyed the challenge in d1. Now if I just follow the pack around all match I get 1.0 k/d by osmosis. They basically took away everything that existed that made you want to grind or made you unique. No one is special or cool or has advantage or better gear or skills or rank nothing. All guardians now are equal under bungie s boring idea of what this game should be. They didn't want to hear butthurt people crying so they nerfed everything. Unbelievable this happened. I'm so disappointed.



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                      2 Risposte
                      • I went back into D1 crucible. Stupid fast kill times, shoulder charges, boatloads of non-counterable scenarios. Had s terrible time. Ran a strike, the two people I were with didn't use their supers at all until the boss fight, despite me using it twice to generate enough orbs for them to get 80% back. Walked around patrol, remembered how stupidly boring it was. Did a story mission, with 5 lines of ghost dialogue that left me more confused about why the mission existed in the first place. And golden gun sucked. Yeah, I'm happy with Destiny 2 compared to Destiny 1. I'm happy with Destiny 2 period. I've already gotten more than I could have hoped for, from enjoying the story to raiding with friends, even meeting new people and my current partner. D2 is great.



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