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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Codykins: 10/14/2017 1:03:45 AM

Destiny 2 - Shelved; My Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading my thread. Let me first start off by saying, that I have sifted through the toxicity of these forums for what will mark 10-Years in the coming months. Things never used to be as bad as they are now, but expectations and entitlement have pushed people to new lows, so take what you read ahead to your own liking, it is merely my insight, analysis, and opinions.. [b]EDIT NOTE #1:[/b] Thank you all for your words, wisdom, input, and thoughts. I appreciate the time and effort you've put into both taking the time to read my thread, and reply, good and bad. Didn't know this thread would take off the way it did. [b]EDIT NOTE #2:[/b] Perhaps some of you misunderstand, I'm not permanently quitting, I am shelving the game until things are fixed, preferably in the near future, or unless my friends message me to help them in activities. To those giving me the obligatory "Git Gud in D2", I have a 2.0~ K/D Ratio in both games, and I only Solo Queue unless my friends need help, thank you. This topic will culminate my final thoughts of Destiny 2, why I'm going back to Destiny 1, and why it is not only the biggest letdown I've ever had to my gaming history, but to why it is also a lifeless shadow/shell of Destiny 1. [url=]The game will now sit in my game room, as of tonight, as a collectors item, and nothing more[/url]. The only time I will play it now, is if somebody on my friends list personally wants/needs my help. Let's begin. I decided to log into Destiny 1 tonight and play 5 games of Crucible. [url=]I cannot even begin to explain how much better Destiny 1 not only feels after playing Destiny 2, but how it handles, and how much stronger, faster, and less held-back you feel. I felt like a god jumping into Control and quite literally slaughtering the enemy team single-handed.[/url] I had more fun again than I could put into words. Then I remembered Destiny 2 was a thing again. Bungie has literally watered down everything we ever loved about Destiny, in Destiny 2. Everything feels weaker, everything feels slower, everything feels forced. The truth of the matter is, while processing the hype, taking in the story-line (something we can all agree was better than Destiny 1's) and going through it all, many began to fathom the realization that there is essentially no end-game, no reason to grind after a certain period of time. I even deleted my Titan to make a second Warlock and ran through the Campaign, again... Then deleted my Hunter and lost motivation entirely after I created him again. I often find myself sitting in orbit thinking of SOMETHING to do to have fun in this game. Destiny 2 eliminates any sense of individuality that the first game presented, and instead tries to force us to cope with relying on people we don't even know, which in turn causes frustration. Bungie has essentially weakened everything to the point where it FORCES teamwork in order to even get through a casual Crucible match. Abilities take far too long to recharge (Even with EVERY piece of armor having the "Abilities recharge quicker when using <Subclass>", Supers take far too long to get, and feel significantly weaker now, due to energy weapons doing 1.5x damage to someone in their super (Honestly, who thought this was a good idea, especially since you essentially only get ONE super per game now, I could see it being viable if it was like D1, where you could get 3-4 supers per match). A lone guardian can now take someone out of their super with an energy auto rifle faster than if they didn't have their super active. That's extremely backwards, considering a super not only takes ages to charge, but is supposed to be...Well, Super. A not so-super choice, Bungie. PvE has almost nothing going for it when you bridge your power level at around 280, apart from the Raid - But wait, that essentially has nothing going for it either besides the smallest bit of vanity. Why do I say that you ask? The weapons have near-nothing special about them besides appearance, which brings me to the biggest problem this game faces: Fixed Rolls / Stats. Many assumed this would be a good thing, many assumed a bad thing. I've stuck with the bad, and for good reason(s). Fixed rolls have made this game extremely stale. Customization and Play-style have both been hindered and extremely limited by this simple thing. If you want specific traits (Resilience, Mobility, Recovery) you have to give up customization almost completely to get the stats you want. Not only that, but having fixed rolls / stats also has removed 95% of replayability. By removing rolls on weapons / armor, you've essentially removed almost any need to continue playing after you reach 305. Destiny 1 had it right; 3 Years, and there was still things to go for. Perk rolls made a gun or armor have dozens and dozens of possibilities; Dozens! You could essentially customize your ENTIRE playstyle, both gameplay and vanity wise. Like that armor? Get it to drop with the right stats you want and you could wear it doing whatever you pleased. Like that gun, but it has bad stats? No problem, get the right perks on it and you could fix / balance the stats out and make the gun usable and fit your play style needs. These things don't exist in Destiny 2. Bungie, you've essentially limited everything we're able to do, mainly for the sake of player-vs-player. Individuality in PvP is nearly gone, and you're forcing teamwork. Customization has been limited to the point where we have to sacrifice nice looking armor or weapons in order to obtain optimal gear for activities, due to perks and stats being fixed, Everything feels exponentially weaker, especially in PvP, everything is too slow paced, and you can essentially walk away from 1v1's if you're losing. I want to feel like I'm shooting more than a marshmallow gun at my enemies. PvE has non-existent replay value after you've completed the campaign / adventures, apart from Public Events, which is only used for farming exotics at this point, what little exotics there are. I mean, at this point, I have essentially almost every single legendary in the game vaulted right now, it's ridiculous. Also, Exotics feels extremely...Not-Exotic in this game. Even after Three of Coins became a thing in Destiny 1, atleast exotics felt superior over legendary gear. Not so much in this game. Things need to seriously change in this game, Bungie. I want to love this game, I really do, but...I just can't, not right now. According to logs, players are leaving this game faster than I've ever seen. Things needs to feel stronger, we need to feel less held-back, we need incentive to keep playing; Stuff to work for, stuff to grind for, stuff to desire. [u][b]I'll end with saying this:[/b][/u] Pop Destiny 1 back in your Xbox / Playstation, give it a try again for a day. I promise you won't regret it, I'm even deleting a character and starting anew. [b] Final Note: ALL the Playstation Exclusives are now available on Xbox on Destiny 1.[/b] Thanks for reading my thoughts. Remember, this is all opinion / insight. You'll know where to find me; On the game I love.



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  • So if you've been on the forums 10 years you were obviously a Halo player. With that said, how can you not enjoy destiny 2's PvP more? It is closer to halo than destiny 1 by promoting more teamwork, having a longer TTK, and having slower movement (although movement can still be relatively fast).



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    4 Risposte
    • Just to be clear... You do know that the kids that state “abilities recharge faster” is referring to rift, barricade, etc. it doesn’t help all of your stuff like grenade and melee too right?



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    • I love both destiny and destiny 2. I will play them and enjoy them, and nothing can change that.



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    • Wow ur one of those scrubs who loves spamming supers grenades and abilities to get kills and use cheeses ok whenever u decide u wanna get gud come back to d2



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      22 Risposte
      • Modificato da KurtPanzerNader: 10/10/2017 9:09:06 PM
        I don't agree with anything you said. You know why? It's a game, Bungie created with their best intention and this is what is offered, they don't need your permission nor discuss with you. The reality is simple million of gamers got D2. What makes you special? Why they have to listen to you? Be a man play what ever you want, frankly I don't gave a damn what you want.



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        25 Risposte
        • Modificato da Eqitx: 10/11/2017 6:21:56 AM
          Is this guy trying to mimic ( failing) Slayerage's whine wall text?



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        • The made it so a single person couldn't rule a crucible match. Which is a good thing. Working as a team should always matter more than anything else.



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          2 Risposte
          • Modificato da zNapSack: 10/11/2017 1:47:46 AM
            Well said and I believe your opinion is more than simply an opinion, but rather a factual analysis. I describe D2 as offering a lack of incentive to play beyond a certain point. For example, you get a Merciless, after which there's no incentive to keep playing hoping to get a better version of it. That is, with better perks as was the case in D1. A point you clearly stated and a fundamental flaw in the games design. An that's not really an opinion. It's a simple fact. A design choice. In this way our characters will eventually become virtual clones of one another with every weapon being identical to another of the same name. And the same goes for armor pieces. Why is that? In my opinion it's for PvP reasons. In which case I agree it's a good idea to have the only variable being ones individual skill, not what weapon and armor rolls one has. However, for PvE, it's not a good thing. You want the best roll possible on a given weapon or armor piece since it gives you an advantage which benefits both oneself and the Fireteam. It's for this reason that I have long been an advocate of PvP having its own weapons and armor with static perks. In that way, once again, the only variable is individual skill. It's been that way with many competitive FPS games. So it leads me to believe that may be what their goal is. However, it isn't working currently and is never going to work as long as they continue to combine the two game types as far as weapon and armor rolls is concerned.



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          • Anthem!!!



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            3 Risposte
            • Before commenting here, go play D1 for a couple days. Then compare it to D2. Then show your opinions. If your just gonna post to post even though half you haven't even played D1, then go back to Roblox.



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            • I'm just logging in to get my milestones/ rewards every week.



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              2 Risposte
              • Bump



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              • Agree with pretty much everything.. Do you have data that shows the player Regression? Would love to check it out



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                6 Risposte
                • [quote]Thanks for reading my thread. Let me first start off by saying, that I have sifted through the toxicity of these forums for what will mark 10-Years in the coming months. Things never used to be as bad as they are now, but expectations and entitlement have pushed people to new lows, so take what you read ahead to your own liking, it is merely my insight, analysis, and opinions.. This topic will culminate my final thoughts of Destiny 2, why I'm going back to Destiny 1, and why it is not only the biggest letdown I've ever had to my gaming history, but to why it is also a lifeless shadow/shell of Destiny 1. [url=]The game will now sit in my game room, as of tonight, as a collectors item, and nothing more[/url]. The only time I will play it now, is if somebody on my friends list personally wants/needs my help. Let's begin. I decided to log into Destiny 1 tonight and play 5 games of Crucible. [url=]I cannot even begin to explain how much better Destiny 1 not only feels after playing Destiny 2, but how it handles, and how much stronger, faster, and less held-back you feel. I felt like a god jumping into Control and quite literally slaughtering the enemy team single-handed.[/url] I had more fun again than I could put into words. Then I remembered Destiny 2 was a thing again. Bungie has literally watered down everything we ever loved about Destiny, in Destiny 2. Everything feels weaker, everything feels slower, everything feels forced. The truth of the matter is, while processing the hype, taking in the story-line (something we can all agree was better than Destiny 1's) and going through it all, many began to fathom the realization that there is essentially no end-game, no reason to grind after a certain period of time. I even deleted my Titan to make a second Warlock and ran through the Campaign, again... Then deleted my Hunter and lost motivation entirely after I created him again. I often find myself sitting in orbit thinking of SOMETHING to do to have fun in this game. Destiny 2 eliminates any sense of individuality that the first game presented, and instead tries to force us to cope with relying on people we don't even know, which in turn causes frustration. Bungie has essentially weakened everything to the point where it FORCES teamwork in order to even get through a casual Crucible match. Abilities take far too long to recharge (Even with EVERY piece of armor having the "Abilities recharge quicker when using <Subclass>", Supers take far too long to get, and feel significantly weaker now, due to energy weapons doing 1.5x damage to someone in their super (Honestly, who thought this was a good idea, especially since you essentially only get ONE super per game now, I could see it being viable if it was like D1, where you could get 3-4 supers per match). A lone guardian can now take someone out of their super with an energy auto rifle faster than if they didn't have their super active. That's extremely backwards, considering a super not only takes ages to charge, but is supposed to be...Well, Super. A not so-super choice, Bungie. PvE has almost nothing going for it when you bridge your power level at around 280, apart from the Raid - But wait, that essentially has nothing going for it either besides the smallest bit of vanity. Why do I say that you ask? The weapons have near-nothing special about them besides appearance, which brings me to the biggest problem this game faces: Fixed Rolls / Stats. Many assumed this would be a good thing, many assumed a bad thing. I've stuck with the bad, and for good reason(s). Fixed rolls have made this game extremely stale. Customization and Play-style have both been hindered and extremely limited by this simple thing. If you want specific traits (Resilience, Mobility, Recovery) you have to give up customization almost completely to get the stats you want. Not only that, but having fixed rolls / stats also has removed 95% of replayability. By removing rolls on weapons / armor, you've essentially removed almost any need to continue playing after you reach 305. Destiny 1 had it right; 3 Years, and there was still things to go for. Perk rolls made a gun or armor have dozens and dozens of possibilities; Dozens! You could essentially customize your ENTIRE playstyle, both gameplay and vanity wise. Like that armor? Get it to drop with the right stats you want and you could wear it doing whatever you pleased. Like that gun, but it has bad stats? No problem, get the right perks on it and you could fix / balance the stats out and make the gun usable and fit your play style needs. These things don't exist in Destiny 2. Bungie, you've essentially limited everything we're able to do, mainly for the sake of player-vs-player. Individuality in PvP is nearly gone, and you're forcing teamwork. Customization has been limited to the point where we have to sacrifice nice looking armor or weapons in order to obtain optimal gear for activities, due to perks and stats being fixed, Everything feels exponentially weaker, especially in PvP, everything is too slow paced, and you can essentially walk away from 1v1's if you're losing. I want to feel like I'm shooting more than a marshmallow gun at my enemies. PvE has non-existent replay value after you've completed the campaign / adventures, apart from Public Events, which is only used for farming exotics at this point, what little exotics there are. I mean, at this point, I have essentially almost every single legendary in the game vaulted right now, it's ridiculous. Also, Exotics feels extremely...Not-Exotic in this game. Even after Three of Coins became a thing in Destiny 1, atleast exotics felt superior over legendary gear. Not so much in this game. Things need to seriously change in this game, Bungie. I want to love this game, I really do, but...I just can't, not right now. According to logs, players are leaving this game faster than I've ever seen. Things needs to feel stronger, we need to feel less held-back, we need incentive to keep playing; Stuff to work for, stuff to grind for, stuff to desire. [u][b]I'll end with saying this:[/b][/u] Pop Destiny 1 back in your Xbox / Playstation, give it a try again for a day. I promise you won't regret it, I'm even deleting a character and starting anew. [b] Final Note: ALL the Playstation Exclusives are now available on Xbox on Destiny 1.[/b] Thanks for reading my thoughts. Remember, this is all opinion / insight. You'll know where to find me; On the game I love.[/quote] Spot on mate, I have a go on Destiny last weekend and did some strikes and they felt so much better than Destiny 2 strikes. I can't bring myself to do strikes in destiny 2 as they are such a bore and no reason to do them. The weapons in destiny felt so much better in the original as well as it was good to weapons with different rolls again and not the same shit ever time lol. Destiny 2 was good for the first couple of weeks now I'm bored, and the iron banner with all its reskins lol. There is so many reskins.



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                • Why does everyone seem to think these forums were all civil and upbeat in the Halo days? Does anyone actually remember this place when Reach was out? The constant shitstorm of bitching about armor lock, weapons bloom, multiplayer maps ripped from the campaign? These forums, with D2 now, D1 before, Reach before that... the freaking same. Each time a new bungie game comes out everyone says, oh the toxicity in here, so much worse than ever before! And I'm sitting here with a cup of tea in one hand and my phone in another like... no it's the same dude. Seriously, no one is ever happy, this is always the end and what finally killed it and this is the last damn straw blah blah blah. *sip my tea* I love this place. I love you people. Gawddamn.



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                  3 Risposte
                  • I'm sorry but you're not taking a stand by going to another Bungie title. That's like boycotting Wal-Mart and shopping at Sam's. Pure idiocy.



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                    8 Risposte
                    • While I agree with your points, the fact is shelving the game now is a moot point. You already voted with your wallet by buying it in the first place, as did we all. Not buying it at all would be 100x more of a statement to Bungie than a quitting post.



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                      51 Risposte
                      • Bump



                        Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                      • Agree with everything you said. The biggest problem with this game is Bungie refusing to separate pve and pvp. It has led to less fun in both game modes. They should have left abilities at D1 levels in pve, maybe even in quick play, and adjusted everything to D2 levels for the competitive play list.



                        Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                      • Thanks for this. Thoughtful and insightful.



                        Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                      • Well said



                        Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                      • I agree with you OP it is an extremely watered down casual game. .No random weapon rolls makes this game so much faster to be done . every clan engram scales to level (lol even raid and trials! come on how much free stuff can you get) . Light level literally means nothing because it has zero advantage in trials or iron banner lololololol. . you don't even have to do the raid or trials to receive pieces of gear if you have a decent clan. . xur takes legendary shards now which is way easier to obtain than the former strange coins . raid rewards are awful.... I mean i'm still playing but I will not act like this game has gotten so easy and does not feel as rewarding. I don't think anything will make me feel like I did when I first got my Vex mythoclast.



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                      • I've switched to warframe on PC, but I know what you mean. The game is feels soul-less now. Nothing specific, but the feeling that the game had potential is gone now that I had in Y1 though Y3.



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                        2 Risposte
                        • Please people upvote this post. You couldn't sum it up any better then this. It's like you read my thoughts and shared it on this very forum.



                          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                        • We'll see that "collectors" item popped in before d3...and you'll say the same damn thing about d3.



                          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                        • finally someone who managed to criticize the game without being a douche. well put. i agree with every single thing you said. hopefully bungie is paying attention.



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