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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
10/30/2017 3:44:14 PM

So apparently my post was removed from Reddit even though it was constructive criticism about Eververse

(This is the original post; I will upload photos of its removal) I think it's time we address Eververse's impact on the game. I watched Datto's podcast a little while ago, when he was discussing with Slayerage about how many things in the game are focused around the Eververse store and how this encroaches on every aspect of the game. Now before you downvote or look at my previous posts just hear me out. This is in no way to knock the game or say it's bad. This is a real honest look at the Eververse system as it has been implemented currently. Now to begin, sparrows. Throughout the entire campaign we aren't given a sparrow. At first I thought that it would be awarded at the middle, due to the fact that many of the story missions and strikes are very long. Instead it is given to us once we beat the campaign, thus making the sparrow almost useless(unless it's for strikes or adventures). Another confusing thing is that there isn't a raid sparrow at all, which seems to be a first for the franchise. Next shaders. Anyone who saw the original Reddit post that had upwards of 50k upvotes, knows how and why the community was slightly outraged that shaders were one time use, as opposed to infinite uses. Shaders are not solely available through eververse, however many of the shaders available outside are mainly low quality(except for the raid). Most of the shiny, special looking shaders come from bright engrams only. Ships. Again no raid ship which is a new step in the franchise. I remember getting the Crota's end ship in d1 and it was so beautifully designed. For some reason there is no current raid ship that drops which is confusing to me and many others in the community. Emotes. These are only found inside bright engrams, similar to d1 which I have no issue with. Tokens. Many people have disliked the token system from the get go, but I feel like it needs a second chance. Tokens should be supplementary instead of earned through every event(weapon and armor drops should happen instead). That would lower the frequency of duplicates and general outrage from the community. Also the ability to buy weapons that are not earned should be with tokens. One thing I am very concerned about is that tokens feel like they could end up being a paid currency, like the currency in Rainbow Six or a similar free to play game. I'm so worried that I'll wake up and find that in the store they are selling token packages for vendors. To me that is what it was set up to do. Lastly Ghosts. Ghosts, while obtainable from Shaxx(depending on the preorder) and Ikora (at the end of the campaign) also suffer from the same thing. There is no raid ghost, no iron Banner ghost (which I found odd), and no other shells outside of the eververse store. Now what do all these aesthetic things have in common? They are all almost *exclusively found in bright engrams and through eververse purchases. While many may say "it's just aesthetic" or "it has no impact on the game", I'd look to that article about how Activision filed a patent to match people of different skills, but based on purchases made. Also what worries me is that in the seasons introduction (which gave me genuine excitement) at Twitch con stated that armor would be given out through the dawning and other events. At first this doesn't seem bad at all, however delve deeper and it's come to be understood that new armor and aesthetics will be entirely sold through eververse. I feel as if Eververse has encroached on everything (except gameplay) that used to make guardians unique and interesting. You knew what people had to go through to get the raid ship or the ship that was found with black spindle. How it can be fixed: shaders should be infinite use, or should be able to be applied to a full set of armor ships/sparrows/ghosts should be available through the raid and other challenging activities tokens should be supplementary to random mandatory drops emotes are fine where they are (although a raid emote would be interesting) event specific armor should be available through the events, not Eververse. I think I've made a fair case, but I'd like to ask your opinion. What do you guys think about Eververse? Does it feel like it encroaches on gameplay? Or does it feel like a welcome addition to the game? *by exclusively I meant things that only drop through Bright engrams (obviously here are some exceptions)



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  • ABBA!



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  • Understand your points, but I think eververse is better in D2 actually... you can get everything without ever spending money now



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    5 Risposte
    • Modificato da NYDIBS: 11/1/2017 10:04:00 PM
      The issue is there’s nothing worth collecting in the game. I don’t care about my sparrow/ghost or emote. I think eververse is better now than it was in D1. I also haven’t even equipped a shader yet bc everything looks so bland anyway



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    • Great post mate. Agree 100%. I'd consider myself a casual but I did put a lot if time into D1. I want D2 to succeed but the Everese path we are on is a dark one. Going to hold off on dlc to see if this is the way of the future. In the meantime, having fun with Horizon Zero Dawn.



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    • Modificato da Turbo-J-Jones: 11/1/2017 9:36:58 PM
      Agree with your sentiments. No sparrow in King's Fall or Wrath of the Machine though. Also super shady is the way that the required xp per bright engram increases for every one you earn with no cap in sight.



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      3 Risposte
      • [spoiler]no tldr[/spoiler] [spoiler]bleeeeeeeh[/spoiler]



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      • Its all cosmetic datto is a entitled bitch



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      • Modificato da RPColten: 10/31/2017 11:48:49 PM
        No where do you even mention the fact that Bright Engrams are earned regularly through just playing the game. You would have actual traction for your concerns if Bright Engrams could be acquired [i]only[/i] from the cash-shop and not for free through game-play.



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        1 Rispondi
        • Okay, so when are they going to remove this post from here?



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        • Modificato da PapaSubpar: 10/31/2017 8:01:07 PM
          Considering that most people that I know have most of the things Tess offers without even spending a dime. It is a non issue.



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          2 Risposte
          • I got my sparrows at Io most of the time



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          • I think the fact that you can get bright engrams every time your character "levels" past 20 makes ever-verse a manageable presence. You can look at it this way, Eververse is practically one of the ultimate grinds in the game. Something that for some reason a lot of "veteran" players are over looking. Destiny 2 has plenty of things to grind. You just aren't looking hard enough because you became so accustomed to the grind in D1 that you can't see past the differences in the games to figure out what the hell you need to do to have fun in D2. Ok, that was a bit of a rant, but you get my point right? D2 has a better overall eververse experience than D1, since you can actually earn as many bright engrams a week as you are willing to grind for, compared to D1 where you got a few packages a week, and that was it.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Eververse is so much better in Destiny 2 than it was in Destiny 1. I would argue that it is one of the best implementations of a microtransaction system I have seen to date. The way it has been designed is actually quite generous. It is directly tied to gameplay in that it gives everyone an incentive to play the game. There is actually very little point to spending money in the eververse store now as gaining them through gameplay is much more cost effective. Everything in the store is also cosmetic and if you get stuff you don't like you can trade it in with stuff you do like. I know big parts of the forum community has railed against consumable shaders, but it is overall a much better system than what we had in Destiny 1. It gives players more options and more incentives to play the game. Making them consumable and tying them to the loot system made shaders much more valuable from a design standpoint. The fact that people are railing against it seems to be more related to irrational fears of using something that is finite than it actually having a negative impact on gameplay, because objectively it only has positive effects on gameplay.



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            • Modificato da deltorakid2: 10/31/2017 8:05:26 PM
              Eververse is perfectly fine as is. Bungie is more than generous for giving us a bright engram every level past 20. Be grateful you get that



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            • Reddit = anti-democracy dictatorship webpage.



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            • Modificato da Slevi: 10/31/2017 5:32:55 AM
              Most complaints about Eververse is usually a 1-2 week noobie problem. This is rather understandable i suppose, but also a little whiny at the same time. Many new players want the nice cosmetic stuff now. However, i would say these new players are a tad impatient. Play long enough, and eventually youll be like endgame players who are stockpiled on legendary shaders, bright dust, sparrows, ships and ghosts theyll probably never use. I for one am loaded on everything that Tess has to offer. Got 10K bright dust from just playing the game. Really helps that the game gives you have 3X bonus at the start of the week. So youre guaranteed 3 bright engrams from a rather short play. With 3 characters, youll be getting 9 bright engrams extremely fast in 1 day. There shouldnt be a reason to be mad at a cosmetic vendor. Theyre just there to make your guardian look pretty. Not like they are offering anything game breaking.



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              1 Rispondi
              • You could buy ships and sparrows from that chick next to Cayde in the Tower,sure only green ones but it was something till you got one from a bright engram. The armor sets may look cool but I don't want all mobility on my Hunter so I don't use those sets,so no big deal if I get them or not. Ghosts are a mute point also,sure they can give 10% more glimmer or XP but they are not needed at all,the damage shell ghost you got at the beginning still fills the same slot since ghosts no longer contribute to light level. Shaders,well I don't know about you but I have hundreds of shaders and rather pissed it takes so long to delete them.



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              • I don't see a huge problem with eververse, it's much better than it was in d1 imo. Sparrows being left out till beating the game was a tool to prolong the playtime of the campaign more than something to drive silver sales. Playing the game with any regularity and more than one character will net you more shaders than you can even carry, I know I keep about 6 different shaders I don't use or like in the vault to conserve space on my characters. Bright engrams are extremely easy to get, much more so than treasure boxes in d1 which were limited per week, you can earn as many bright engrams as you like and get plenty of the cool stuff. I've never bought silver in d2 and I've gotten exotic emotes, ships, sparrows and ornaments plus the slew of other random stuff, and I don't see any need to pay for something I can earn easily. It's all cosmetic, it's just for fun, you can get it for free so treat it like what it is, a free gift every so often for playing. If someone wants to blow $100 To try and get the ramen emote... I'd call them stupid but it's their money they can do whatever they want, and if you as a player are so easily influenced as to feel compelled to buy engrams to get something you saw another player had, you got bigger problems than micro transactions in video games. D2 has a ton of problems, eververse is hardly one, until they start pushing out future content updates through it at the cost of silver I'd be more concerned with real problems, like weapon balance, endgame issues, content drought etc.



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                1 Rispondi
                • I have no problem with Eververse. Admittedly, on my first character, I was so sick of walking around that I broke down and bought some engrams hoping I'd get a sparrow (which I did). Really cheap move on Bunghole's part but whatev. For everything else, shaders (I'd say 95% of them suck anyways), ships, sparrows, exotic gun shaders, emotes, ghost, etc., I've had no problem getting these simply from the bright engrams I get from playing.



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                • Stopped reading after I saw he watched some YouTube’s opinion. That was all I needed to read.



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                  1 Rispondi
                  • Everpurse: always ready to take your money.



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                  • I didn't read but they are words and words should be freely spoken or written, no matter whom it may cause offence to. Children can't read words and make their own decisions on its validity, quite sad if your fully grown and still having an issue with it.



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                    2 Risposte
                    • Can’t read that wall as I’m listening to thrash metal and you didn’t write your gripes in short 7 word sentences that read fast.



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                      4 Risposte
                      • Kf and wotm didnt have sparrows, until the age of triumph. Wotm’s ship was so rare, it might as well not have one. But i get your point



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                      • I feel like shaders are mostly good where they are at, but they need to have the glimmer cost taken away. I can never equip new shaders cause I don’t have the glimmer to do it. Maybe a glimmer cost for adding shaders to ships and sparrows, but it’s a really bad idea on the armor.



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                      • You post on Reddit? Well there's your problem.



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