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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da wowtoofunnynow: 3/7/2018 4:11:54 AM

Let's do something healthier

Hey everybody zuko I mean hey peeps, u guys may know me as a guy who jokes around from time to time, but I'm here for something serious today. Mental health. I'm sure many of u are enjoying yourselves on the same planets that have been explored since launch time and time again, this message doesn't concern u guys unfortunately so u can pause the tape and leave the room. Cool so now all that's left are the people that are dissatisfied with destiny but still hold out hope for brighter horizons. STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. Destiny 2 is this game currently, and no matter how much u want it to be better ,have more lore, more valuable for your wallet, whatever it will never be what you want it to be. The second bungie dev said "Making content is too hard" was the moment they sealed this game into its current form. So take a breath man. Destiny isn't going anywhere, but u know what is? Your time and youth. It is mentally unhealthy and can be physically taxing to do the same thing over and over but expect and different result. So my solution? Come play with me. This may sound wierd coming from a guy but at least until new content drops for this game, take a break and play something at least slightly different. Look I'm on ps4, and I care about u guys. How could I not, I remember all the random groups I did raids with, was pretty fun back then, but times have changed but the fun doesn't have to. This is currently what I have been playing on ps4 Monster hunter Overwatch (my comp is at 26something) Mortal kombat xl (just got it for 10 during a psn sale) Nidhogg 2 I have gta5 but haven't played online yet cause storyline lol Final fantasy xv I also got that game where your a ball and u hit each other off a platform but I can't think of the name. -deformers lol Oh and plants vs zombies garden warfare 2. (Got it during end of the year sale and am about 200 and something ). On the nintendo switch I have Mario kart Splatoon 2 Dragon Quest builders. So I have more games but these are some of my most played multiplayer games. If any of these look fun to you, or if u got something that I don't let me know. Look I know that hope is a good thing, but hope cant sustain you alone. Look I can be a bit cynical at times(which is probably why I enjoy dark humor a bit too much lol), but I'm being sincere in this post, I dont want you to be sad because the devs keep letting u down. So post your psn names in the comments and I'll add you guys when I'm off work, or u guys can add each other. So yea that's all I gotta say. Let's play together, and get mentally healthier together at the same time. Glad the response has been mostly positive, I do wish everyone the best sincerely. To any that put down their psns, I'll add them before I go to work tommorow but can't to nite because I've got a early dentist appointment then home.....then work lol busy but gonna add those that took the trouble to post. That link should take you to the video for the bungie making content is too hard quote in a kotaku article. It's around 48 seconds. Now while it can be said they didn't use that exact phrase, "Making content is too hard was definitely their meaning. (Some person asked for a sitation).



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