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Reclutamento clan

Trova un clan o recluta nuovi membri.
Modificato da Dinkadactyl: 5/30/2018 9:56:47 PM

[XB1] [Casual] Dragonpack Actual - We want you!

Easy-going, friendly group of people on [b]Xbox One[/b] that enjoy melting faces and peeling caps. We go hard here, but new people are welcome. Main rule: don't be a jerk. Be a dragon. Clan is currently set to [b]INVITE ONLY[/b]. To request an invite visit our profile and click [b]Join Clan[/b]. [url][/url] Notices: - Be respectful - Mics required - Play! Send invites to clan members, help each other out, get sick loot - Usually play after 8pm EDT. People who don't fit this mould may be removed to make room for people that do. [b]Upvote this post, join up, and get fraggin![/b] [spoiler]Totally sick name, right?[/spoiler]



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