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6/1/2018 3:41:15 PM

Just throwning this out there - Glass modifier is waaay worse then Blackout

Glass essentially turns everything into a 1 Hit kill instead of just Melee. The maps are not designed for good cover so there is always flanking fire. If you have a Fireteam without a Titan (or 2) it gets really nuts. Most strikes you can't get a good strat going until the 3rd or 4th wipe. Never mind when the enemy fire matched the Singe burn type. Blackout modifier is a piece of cake next to Glass IMHO.



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  • totally disagree with you but, it is your opinion. Both are ridiculous with random team members however, with a team, glass is not so bad, but, the ads on black out that tend to surround you, thrall and those dogs.. really do make it tough



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