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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
7/9/2018 1:50:24 PM

Why Ikora is Wrong

<Wonder how much shit I'll catch for this... Anyway, in season 2/year 1, an exotic ship was introduced called the Universal Wavefunction. I'm here to focus on its lore tab. [quote]"[b]The fluid itself is not the Vex. If their consciousness could be contained in such a state, it would have manifested in other states by now.[/b]" Ikora looks up from the terminal. "Perhaps Lakshmi's device is the key. Was I wrong to dismiss it?" She chuckles. She does that a lot more, lately. "Probably. I was wrong about a lot of things."[/quote] You see, a while ago, people theorized that the Vex were the Radiolarian Fluid. This clearly suggests otherwise. Well... here's the thing. Radiolaria is most commonly seen as a liquid, but it HAS BEEN SEEN in OTHER STATES of matter. While my argument for gas is a bit of a stretch, we've seen solidified Radiolaria numerous times in both D1 and 2. The Glass Throne, Atheon's armor, Shielded Minotaur armor, Khartion's armor, the glass shards on Io, the crystals on Nessus. All examples of solidified Radiolarian fluid. If we keep with the theory that Radiolaria is silicon-based, then all examples of Vex "glass" would be something called quartz glass. How about gas? You ever see the Fanatics in D2? They leave behind puddles of Radiolaria when they explode. Well, they have a strange white gas flowing out of them while they walk around. What about the fog that comes off of Radiolarian Fluid, especially in the Inverted Spire? The picture linked shows all three. That is all.>



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