Do you feel like you don’t quite fit into other Clans?
[b]Loyalty of the Pack
Loyalty, Fun, Respect, and Fellowship
Hello My Fellow Guardians,
What is Loyalty of the Pack all about? And why might it be a good fit? Well the answer is simple and the truth is our Clan isn’t the best fit for everyone, nor are we looking to be the best or strongest Clan around, which will make a lot of people exit right out of our page right now, and that’s okay. So those of you that are still reading, let’s get started, shall we?
To put it simply, Loyalty of the Pack is a Clan dedicated to having fun with each other and working together to get things done. That’s it. We aren’t looking to be the best or have the most members so that we can dominate in the leaderboards. We just want people to join who want to play and have fun. We started this Clan because we wanted to play with a group people that didn’t mind or care that everyone on the team wasn’t perfect at the game, or at the top of the leaderboards. We all just want to play and have fun with others of like minds. Even if that means we die - a lot - while figuring something new out.
We want this Clan to be a place where people don’t have to feel like they’re the odd one out because they’re a little different. Each o f us have something that makes us different in some way and because of that, we make sure we don’t discriminate for any reason. So if you are a woman, gay, trans, questioning, black, white, multi-racial, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, atheist, disabled, shy & needs time before they’re ready to use their mic, or just brand new to the game and still figuring out how to throw their grenade so it will actually hit their target, then our Pack might be a fit for you.
No matter what the reason might be, we want to provide a safe, comfortable, and friendly Clan in which people will feel like participating in the game regularly without feeling [i]obligated[/i] to do so. Some of us have had difficult times with Clans/Alliances/Unions or what have you, that really took the fun out of playing the games we had enjoyed playing before it turned into a demanding, and frankly, annoying obligation just to get on the game. We are determined not to let that happen to our Clan.
We also want to provide an environment where adults could feel comfortable bringing their younger family members into the Clan in order to play with them, while the other adult members did not feel restricted by having minors in the Clan. I personally understand how hard it is to find groups that will let in minors, even when they are coming in with an adult family member, which leaves them out of a lot of things, or they have to settle for a less than ideal group situation that can be rather dubious. As such we have set down guidelines for both minors and adults as to what their responsibilities would be as well as restrictions on the age a minor has to be to join the Clan without an adult family member.
Our goals for new players, that are just starting the game is to provide companionship and guidance with more experienced players. That way they can learn the ropes of the game and move through the levels more quickly. This also opens up a lot more of the game to new players so that they can earn more rewards at a faster rate due to being able to be around while higher level enemies are killed earning more xp. We also believe this method of game play adds a level of fun and camaraderie when Clanmates play together and help each other out.
[b][u]In the Present and into the Future:[/u][/b]
As of now we mostly get together and decide what people have to get done that day and what the Clan needs as a whole. From there we move through the events and generally have fun. As time goes by we plan to organize things a little bit more as our numbers grow.
It is our plan to have eventually have a rotating schedule of ‘Shepherds’ to guide Clanmates through harder PVE content. To eventually begin setting up weekly Raids, Crucible, Nightfall, Strikes, and Gambit activities for Clanmates to be involved in. While these events will be optional it is highly encouraged to participate in these events, as they earn our Clan massive Clan points.
As our Clan grows in numbers our goals will expand to accommodate what everyone is looking to do the most. But for now we are focusing on gaining new members and building a foundation for our Clan to grow into the upcoming Season 6, Season of the Drifter and we sincerely hope if you have made it this far into this post, then you are considering giving our Clan a try! If so keep going!
We are a casual gaming Clan. We do not expect you to get professional level headsets or chat apps or anything like that to be apart of our Clan. What we do expect is for members to participate in Clan Bounties as often as they are able to be on and work together with their Clanmates to complete activities such as Heroic Public Events, patrols, Strikes, and any other activity taking place in game if they are on at the same time. Working in fireteams brings in more Clan points upon completing certain activities. Working to complete weekly Crucible, Nightfalls, Gambit, and later Raid Engrams. The last thing is to help Clanmates complete what they need to help them level and finish missions and milestones.
[i][u]Also expected:[/u][/i]
[b]Be helpful to Clanmates
Be friendly to Clanmates
Be proactive if an issue arises
Be respectful to Clanmates
Be kind to Clanmates
Be mature when it matters
Be Loyal to the Pack[/b]
While we do not require a separate app to be in our Clan, access to the D2 app or website is required.
[b][u]Joining Loyalty of the Pack:[/u][/b]
Yes we do have an application, I’m sorry to say. We really don’t need any statistics on your game play at all. You can be fresh out the gate and brand new to the Destiny franchise or a max level veteran with hours of game play under your belt and you will be just as welcome in our Clan. So please do not feel intimidated by the application or the thought of joining a Clan. Really the only way you would be rejected is if you were a bigot and/or an Ass... but I seriously doubt either of those type of individuals would make it this far into the post anyway!
[b]What we do want to know, is about you as a person and player.[/b]
1. What’s your gamertag?
2. What name do you want to be known by in voice chat?
3. What is your biggest draw in the game, PVP? PVE? Both?
[i](Note: This question isn’t about your scores but about what you like to do more, just about what you like to do most in the game.)[/i]
4. What is your go to Class and Subclass? Why?
[i](Note: If you only have one Class/Subclass, that is fine.)[/i]
5. Are you a loner or do you enjoy playing with others?
[i](Note: your answer here will not impact your acceptance into the Clan. We would just like to know what you prefer)[/i]
6. What is your style of play when in a team? [i][example: I prefer Support, I hang back and snipe with bows, sniper rifles and scout rifles, but can handle myself in the thick of the melee if needed.]
(Note: If you don’t know yet, because you’re new or have yet to play in a fireteam setting, that’s okay.)[/i]
7. Are you a leader or a follower? Do you like to take the lead in group activities or are you fine and/or more comfortable following someone else? Or don’t really care as long as the leader knows what they are doing?
[i](Note: This Answer will not impact your acceptance into the Clan.)[/i]
8. Do you have a headset?
[i](Note: The answer will not impact your acceptance into the Clan.)[/i]
9. If you have a headset, does it have a working mic?
[i](Note: The answer will not impact your acceptance into the Clan.)[/i]
10. Would you be willing to fully participate in voice chat parties while playing Destiny? Or would you prefer to remain silent, but able to listen so you don’t miss instructions or information as you participate in a fireteam? Or would you rather not be in a voice chat party at all while in a fireteam and instead prefer to use the D2 app or Xbox messaging to communicate if necessary.
11. What is your age?
[i](Please Note Information regarding minors below before continuing.)**[/i]
12. What is it you’ve always wanted to accomplish in Destiny but haven’t had the chance, yet?
[i](Note: if you don’t know or don’t have anything, that’s okay.)[/i]
13. What activities would you most like to have the Clan take on each week as a Clan?
14. When do you think you will be the most active in the game?
[i](Note: This is just to build a picture of when best to plan Clan events.)[/i]
[b][u]**Regarding Age Restrictions for the Clan:[/u][/b]
*****************Please be aware that teenagers can join this Clan. No one younger than the age of 16, by themselves, unless they are joined by at least one family member that is [b][u]OVER[/u][/b] the age of 19 years old. That means an adult family member 20 years or older.
Also the Gamertag of the Adult sponsor must be on the minor’s Application and the minor’s Gamertag must be on the corresponding Adult’s Application. If they are not both there, then the minor’s Application will not be approved until it is fixed and we are sure the Adult is aware the minor has actually applied using their Gamertag as a sponsor.*****************
[b][u]To send in your answers:[/u][/b]
[b]Message me here on the D2 app/website.[/b]
[i](Please do not post them on the forum and most assuredly do not send them to my gamertag.)
(**Note: Any and all requests sent without a corresponding application will not be considered.)[/i]
~Alpha Queen Jae
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