Dear Shax,
Your matchmaking SUX and the ONLY players happy about it are the elite top 10%. This is bc they can play any match and almost every time get set up with the “everyone else” crowd (ppl like me, an average player) and wipe the floor with their LUNAS HOWL and NOT FORGOTTEN. While you may enjoy catering to these players bc that’s where most of the elite youtubers are, it SUX to spawn, get immediately killed, spawn, get immediately killed, rinse and repeat.
Oh and about your precious LUNA and FORGOTTEN guns, why is it fair that only the elite get to successfully grind for these weapons and then use them on the rest of us? Seriously. The TOP PLAYERS SHOULD ONLY BE ALLOWED TO PLAY TOP PLAYERS. PERIOD. It’s like the pro NBA player going in and wiping the floor with the middle schoolers everyday. Just dumb all around. Discourages the MAJORITY of us players and makes crucible MISERABLE. We want to enjoy crucible too. We like playing and don’t mind dying if it’s a fair matchup. And if we decide to grind for those coveted elite weapons, we shouldn’t have to scream and cry and pull our hair out after every match bc we got our A$$E$ KIKT BY ELITES in competitive, the only place u can get them. We don’t mind the grind. We want to earn our weapons. But we do mind the HORRIBLE MATCHMAKING that makes the entire journey PURE HELL relative to the annoying and long but NOT PURE HELL grind that the elites experience as they wipe the floor with our (the rest of us’) A$$es to get their weapons.
I’m just a nobody with terrible stats bc of a disability I have, but I have loved and supported destiny since Destiny 1 at their 12 month mark. And btw, I have been grinding for Luna’s Howl for an untold number of grueling and tearful matches for MONTHS now. I’m at the solar kills part. I DONT HAVE $100 TO PAY OFF A BOOSTER TO GET IT FOR ME, and personally I wouldn’t even if I did bc I think that’s just plain dishonest gain on the parts of both buyer and seller. I just got done playing a match against elites such as I have been writing about, and I got REKT with a .2 kd. That’s right. The period is BEFORE THE TWO. And then in the next match I left bc I was put up against the same team. I did not feel like getting my A$$ kikt again so I decided to suffer the THIRTY MINUTE TIMEOUT. Thanx Shax. I’m a grown woman and mom with kids of my own. I am not some toddler needing a TIMEOUT. BUNGIE PLEASE FIX THIS!!! LISTEN TO THE LITTLE PEOPLE FOR ONCE.
HOW TO FIX IT: MATCHMAKE BASED ON PLYER STATS, LIKE K/D, NOT INTERNET CONNECTION OR TIME SPENT PLAYING GAME. some players, like me, who are home bound and bedridden, May spend TONS of time playing, but not have a K/D greater than 1.5. Others, may have played very little but have a k/d of 3.0+.
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