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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
6/30/2019 12:09:36 AM

Give charged melees dedicated keybinds like class abilities

One the things that has been a consistent minor irritant over the entirety of Destiny (and more so in D2) has been the way charged melees operate: if you have a charge, you either always consume it on your next melee (/next melee kill) or, in the case of Hunter knives/smoke bombs, can only use it if certain contextual triggers are not met (crosshair is on a target & target is within X distance). This leads to frustrating situations where a target is in your face and you either don't want to waste your melee charge but can't avoid using it (Dawnblade's Guiding Flame or Sentinel's ironically named Tactical Strike), or you do want to use your melee charge but can't because the target is too close (any Gunslinger melee), or you tried to stab but the crosshair was just far enough off-target that you whiff your smoke bomb off into the distance. A possible solution to this would be to assign dedicated keybinds for charged melees in the same manner as they are already used for class abilities on console - e.g. hold for rift/barricade, double tap for dodge. Having to hold the melee button for 300 ms (or whatever) would give an intentionality to charged melees that has been lacking. If some players prefer the contextual triggers, maybe the whole thing could be a toggle-able option in the controls/accessibility settings. This change would allow the use of uncharged melees without wasting a cooldown, and would eliminate frustrations with contextual requirements. And it would finally allow for the tactical application of a certain Tactical Strike. Food for thought.



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