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Modificato da Tangerine Narc: 3/12/2020 6:27:27 PM

Ridiculous number of network-related errors since the update.

Weasel and others. Disconnecting from the game, Steam servers have gone offline, "Contacting Destiny 2 servers" etc. Players dropping out in the middle of strikes. Is this being looked into?



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  • Could it be because now so many people are using the internet staying at home? perhaps your router is working over time and dropping packets?



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  • It is now Tuesday March 17th. The network connection has not gotten any better. In fact, it has gotten WORSE!!! Yeah, I'm just going to follow in the steps of the rest of my friends and stop playing this game. Hopefully Bungie actually cares and fixes things, but as of right now this game is a complete waste of time.



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  • Modificato da J: 3/17/2020 9:26:12 AM
    I have a bunch of weasel and beaver errors and freezing and crashes during my winning gambit games. :|



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  • Same here and for my buddy as well



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  • Sorry about those game breaking/crashing bugs! We are currently investigating. While you wait, check out the newest stuff from eververse!



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  • While I haven't experience lots of errors, I haven't had a single PVP match starting without either missing one or more players in the games. And in most cases, my team is the missing the most players causing us to lose. And than, I get drop in ongoing match on the losing side which is usually still missing another player. I never had that issue before this season.



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  • I have been kicked from like 4 comp matches before I even get into them, this season. I just got back to back quail and beaver errors trying to play gambit. I got a honeydew error earlier today trying to play control. I can't seem to join my friends half the time, I forwarded my ports to be sure it wasn't that. My speed test is 200mbps down 40 up. I keep getting anteater and weasel issues too. I don't know what to do, I didn't have these issues last season.



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  • ha iniziato una nuova discussione: Ridiculous number of network errors since season of worthy(2 Risposte))

  • Am also getting very inconsistent weasel errors with PC/Steam; but appears to only be affecting me on the EDZ Seraph Towers Area.. get to the last tower & I get booted.. Has happened at least 9 times now.



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  • Me too, game crashing before character select on ps4. Unplayable since release



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  • Really bad today, Sunday, constantly being dropped or game just freezes when exiting an activity (vendor, crucible)



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  • Another Guardian reporting in with an account restriction on PvP activities, because of course, every error is my damn fault, even though the game worked without any issues about 4 days ago.



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    2 Risposte
    • So this is now day SIX of Weasel and Anteater errors. Monday night D2 was working fine. Tuesday night after the season updates it started getting these errors. [b]Six [/b] days and the only comment I've found by anyone Bungie related was a link to an article to fix this on [i]our[/i] end. This isn't on our end. No other online games (FPS or MMORPG) I have or that are running at my house are having [u]any[/u] issues. Just Destiny. So Bungie, any chance you can get someone to look at why this is happening?



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    • Modificato da InfiniteMaximum: 3/15/2020 5:05:26 PM
      Yep happening more often now. Should do more Q/A in a livesque way. A live beta to stress test network connectivity. Entice players by offering some form of in-game compensation.



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    • Having similar issues. My daughter started playing last season on her own PC. We had no problems making a fireteam and getting in adventures. After the update, she fails to join me and I fail to join her every single time. We are on the same network. The troubleshooting steps say to make sure you use upnp with your router. It is on and it is working according to our router status page. We're even seeing errors connecting to friends.



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      2 Risposte
      • Modificato da mrm3ntalist: 3/14/2020 2:46:36 AM
        SAme here. Constantly disconnecting at random times...



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      • 5
        Same problems here. Literally cant play the game. Get disconnected from basically anything i try to join. Seems like Bungie doesn't care at all though, nothing on there twitter about it. (that i could find).



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      • Since Worthy update came out I been having ALOT of disconnect to orbit and many times with errors. I have been receiving QUAIL, RABBIT, ANTEATER, BEAVER and I verified my files through Steam, I even checked my router settings and have UPnP on. This is very frustrating. I was playing Gambit and my team all disconnected and I was in there alone. Im at a loss, not sure what to do but every day my friends and I have all experienced some disconnection, some even give up, and stop playing because of it. PLEASE help me! I got disconnected from Crucible a few times and even got warnings for leaving but I didnt leave. This is something on Destiny server end. Thank you, ht



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        1 Rispondi
        • I'm having the same issue, tried all of Bungie's troubleshooting but with no luck, and also I can't join my friends due to a "network issue" the connection was fine last season, whatever you did to the network please fix it or revert it



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        • Also having this issue. I'm a Systems Admin, and have done tons of troubleshooting on my end to check if there's anything going on - nada. This issue occurred a few times on Tuesday, went away for a while, and then returned Saturday in a big way. Sometimes, my Survival game would kick me before I even loaded into the game with no option to rejoin. Definitely seems like an actual issue worth investigating, Bungie. I hope you guys look into this.



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        • I'm getting so many Weasel and Beaver disconnects on PC that it's absolutely insane. - 75% of Crucible games I join I instantly get kicked before the game starts. The games I get to play are pretty laggy. - I get constant network errors when in patrol. It took me an hour just to get to rasputin to clear the bunker and get the bounties. - Joining friends is also just impossible. My gf, my friend, and I tried to join each others fireteam just to play the game and after 3 hours we finally got all 3 of us in and then 2 minutes later everyone got kicked. - I have to speedrun the tower just to get the few things done and get bounties before I get a network error and get kicked to orbit. - Strikes are where I have had the least issues. Obviously night falls are completely off the table since I can't even join or have people join my fire team, but normal strikes through matchmaking work. I haven't experienced any network problems through strikes yet, but it's probably because I have only done like 3 this season so far. - I have had small problems with forges matchmaking. It just took a very long time for the 3rd person to finally connect and get in. I've done everything I could to confirm with absolute 100% certainty that it is not my internet or on me. I can't believe the actually expect us to play Trials with all of this. Hopefully they actually compensate use in some way for it, but I doubt it. They absolutely should since it's limited to weekends only. And saying that "it's here for the whole season" is just an excuse to do nothing, especially with how the loot works (hopefully I am wrong about how it works, but from what I know with how it works these connections issues hurt us when it comes to trials). The game is pretty much unplayable. I am not having fun just having to constantly go back to the tower just to collect the rest of the bounties because of all of the network errors. This is really making me not want to play the game and I have barely played this season because of it. Hopefully Bungie actually fixes this issue soon. I'll keep trying, but the second I get a network error, that is not on my end, I will be turning the game off.



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        • Modificato da KS_Libra10: 3/16/2020 12:04:19 AM
          This seriously getting ridiculous as f*$&@. I also am getting booted way too damn often, but mostly seems to be whenever I am in Lost Sectors, Dungeons, and difficult Exotic Weapon quests and generally at random a good amount of the time, over and over and over. Worst of all when I am at the end of something, especially a boss or final area, then it really wants to disconnect me every minute or two. When you are on a timer, it is absolute b♥♥♥♥♥♥t when you fail something because of bad servers. Bungie, address this issue, PLEASE! I have been more than patient restarting things over and again, but it's getting to that point...I didn't pay for this game to be unable to progress in it at all, and it's happening to too many people.



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        • Modificato da BNGHelp6: 3/12/2020 7:01:57 PM
          Hi. Thanks for your report. We are currently looking into a few connection-related issues, such as the WEASEL error and BEETLE error. However, it's possible players are being affected for other reasons. Below are suggestions that may help with connection issues:[quote] [b]1.[/b] Use a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi [b]2.[/b] Quit any program or turn off other devices that are streaming [b]3.[/b] [url=]Clear your console cache[/url] or, if on PC, [url=]verify the integrity of your game files[/url]. [b]4.[/b] Power cycle your internet router [b]5.[/b] [url=]Improve your latency and packet loss[/url] [b]6.[/b] Follow our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for best optimizing your connection to Destiny. If issues persist, try our [url=]Advanced Steps Networking Guide[/url] for possible router solutions, such as enabling UPnP or changing your NAT type. [b]7.[/b] Enable IPV6 on your router to see if that helps [/quote]



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          30 Risposte
          • The only solution I've found; go to Library, left click on D2. Then properties, then local files, then uninstall. instantly fixed all my problems except the 10 bucks they stole from me with this fomo snowflake season of error codes.



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          • this is copy of my own bug report, the last error was beetle error and caused D2 to CTD and took down some of my critical software with it, forcing me to force close steam and restart the pc so windows 10 could reboot. >I am getting frequent errors where i am told i have been disconnected from game. some say beetle, some beaver errors and at least one weasel error. the last error i got beetle code - but then destiny 2 locked up and CTD. I have never had so many disconnects before the current update. additionally, the game now crashes however it exits. this generates a windows 10 reliability critical error report which states 'faulty module: steamnetworkingsockets.dll' there is clearly something wrong, and since its hard to make any progress in these seraph tower events, being dumped out of them, and in the last case with a total lockup of destiny 2 which also left steam thinking d2 was still running making me force close steam and restart my pc, is deeply frustrating. my network is clearly not the problem, but your errors are beginning to cause other things on my computer to crash, and this is unacceptable. please fix this ASAP.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Possible solution for XB1. I have been harassed by Weasels ever since the update. This morning I went into my router and actually set it up the way Bungie recommends (port forwarding in my case). While I have never had to do that before, it seems to have worked. I have visited the tower and played a few crucible matches. There have been no weasels, beavers, or other unwanted mammals.



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