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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
8/16/2020 3:38:44 AM

Will we ever feel this epicness again?! I know Beyond Light looks solid, but it just doesn’t give the same feeling as this did! Just doesn’t give me that “this is for all the marbles” kind of feeling. I’m excited don’t get me wrong, but what I’ve read on Glassdoor about former Bungie employees and things I’ve heard from my friends who work for other developers is that Bungie’s core values don’t line up properly. They aren’t looking to make the best game and never have. They are looking to make the most profitable game even if it involves cutting corners. It’s depressing to know that that’s their ideals as a game company, but I guess we have to take it as it is.



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  • No, you don’t have to take it. I’m sorry, but in all frankness stop being an idiot and supporting their disgusting practice. It has been obvious that this was their method of operation from the very launch of the original game and it only got worse and worse as time went on. Don’t buy the next expansion. Stop playing this trash, and when Bungie realizes they can’t make a profit with an unfun game that is only designed to screw their players they will be forced to change. Until that happens you are just perpetuating and exasperating the problem. Good job. Then you come on here and stay stupid ignorant shit like “whelp we just gotta live with it.” Fact check. You don’t, and you shouldn’t.



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    • Sadly once the Game Direction changed and F2P coupled with the FOMO Seasonal model were implemented the quality of Development took a nosedive. No longer was Destiny being Developed as a “game players want to play” Destiny became a WoW/Fortnite hybrid looking to sustain itself via the cash store instead of through expansions. This Business Model has proven itself to be profitable with the least amount of resources required. Until such time that another looter-shooter comes along that can provide the player with great shooting mechanics and 100s if not 1000s of hours of playtime nothing will change. Bungie will continue with the recycled D1 content and use their copy paste Development to provide them additional content looking to resell it again all the while hyping it as NEW Development. Beyond Light is going to be a welcome infusion of content. Just don’t expect it to be on the same level as TTK or even Forsaken. The reason why Beyond Light is being released as a D2 expansion is simply because there wasn’t enough new content Developed to launch a sequel.



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      • Nope, taken king had some bad things, but story wise it was the best. You could run the story and kill Oryx, or you could run kings fall and really kill oryx. The red war could have been amazing, and it just turned out to be a trash story. Lose your light , 15 minutes later you got it back. And the boss fight at the end EPIC FAIL. Maybe next year with witch queen, not many hopes for this year.



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        • Saint-14 was pretty damn epic 😍



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          • 12

            Married with children - vecchio

            Once they went to free to play I knew we will never get a good dlc again.



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            • Cayde dying was funny and kinda epic



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              • Here is what I don't get with Destiny and we'll, most games. D1 eventually had Specified Loot drops from enemies which had own visual and all. D2 then launches with nothing... Why would you not expand on Game 1 and make it better feature for Game 2? Could you imagine if Nokris had 3 Gear PC's. Helm for Warlock which could look similar to the Helm from Crota Raid set. Chest for Titan and arms or Legs for Hunter all having Hive perk sets. Like, increased damage or more survivability against Hive enemies. And they had a aura on them. Same for like Every boss. Throw in some Weapon specific area drops and these items continue on like Exotics and never sunset.



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              • Then you start playing & realize the dreadnought was so small that Bungie disabled sparrows to make it feel bigger.



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              • The Taken King was the best the game has ever been: a cool campaign, a brilliant raid which continued the story with a fantastic raid exotic and the scale of Oryx! Plus the dreadnought itself was such a fantastic location to explore with loss of hidden secrets. That was the most I ever enjoyed the game.



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                18 Risposte
                • Once the glory is gone, it's gone, there's not much chance of it returning.



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                • The Taken King is still my favorite DLC. Yes we did lose access to our past weapons and armor but I was fine with it. Great story and vastly improved quests.



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                    D2 has been this rollercoaster $hit$how from the day the game was implemented. This Bungie isn't the same that brought us D1. Unfortunately, there hasn't been anything Epic about D2 at all



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                    • I didnt really like Taken King. I think the Hive are a boring aesthetic. Brown scabs everywhere.



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                      • I think what made Taken King so grand was that it was the spearhead of the events that had all been accumulating to that point. The player base wasn't jaded and hadn't been through several failures of monetization and changes to the sandbox. People weren't tired of the grind. It felt more like a casual game that required less time, even though I would say that I invested more time in D1 than D2 by miles. So, probably not. The mystique of the game no longer exists, as it has now been around for 6+ years, and the wheel continues to be reinvented. I think great things have happened and will happen in the lifespan of D2, but it would take some real marketing and delivery of content to hype the base quite like it did for that reveal.



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                      • Unfortunately no is the answer



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                      • same people saying TTK was the best of the best also we’re on here whining about nothing to do 4 months after. same people who whines over red death and pdx being in the limelight. same group who wanted good super but -blam!- about Sunbreaker being able to tank a sniper shot.



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                      • No it will continue down the road of mediocrity and continue to get worse.



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                      • I remember in D1 how epic the cutscenes were. There were a couple that made you feel like you were saving the Universe. Then there was the one with Cayde, Zavala, and the gang. I finished the grind for some pinnacle weapons lately and noticed how empty the “cashing in” experience was. Bungie used to put a lot more time in on the rewards that gamers really play for.



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                      • Modificato da KAPP16354: 8/16/2020 11:35:17 PM
                        Well I mean that Kingsfall expansion trailer was the first big expansion we ever had in destiny so we were all hyped. Hard to copy the same first experience.



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                      • This game has been slowly dying since they decided to make a second one. Been a player since the D1 beta and I have been finding myself saying "maybe the next expansion will be better" since I decided to waste my money on the first expansion of D2 decided to poke its head. I don't know about you guys but I've cancelled my pre-order and Uninstalled the game, I don't think this game can be saved and I'm not about to spend money and time in the hopes and dreams department anymore



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                      • Welcome to aging, and the ultimate experience it leaves you with. Which is. Nothing will ever be the same again. You're welcome



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                      • 0
                        lol imagine thinking destiny trailers are cool



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                      • At 1:34 that sunbreaker titan full on punches that taken phalanx...WHERE DID ABILITY THAT GO?



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                      • Na, probably not. No.



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                      • Taken King was one heck of a time to be playing. Definitely my favorite D1 era. There is still a whole lot we don’t know about Beyond Light. I suppose closer to release we’ll get to see some epic trailers for it. Will it top TK? I would love if it did; but it’s too soon to say.



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                      • They just don’t have that scale and creativity any more. The taken king was destiny and bungie in top form .



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