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8/22/2020 7:31:22 PM

[Ps4]Looking for a second family, preferable EU

Recently returned to destiny, played a lot of D1 & D2 but mostly allways solo.. Never have I experienced the thrill of beating a raid or doing any other group content. Im a 25 y/o relaxed & laidback guy who prefers PVE but ocasionaly some PVP aswell. I would love to find a second home/family where I could find my way in & get to know everyone. I'm a non rager that loves to learn & improve ^^ Hope to find a clan like that here :)



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  • RΞ ΔPΞRS - PS4 CLAN UK/EU/US - RECRUITING >130 members across two clans, we are expanding fast. We are also looking for experienced Sherpa's to help lead scgeduked activities. Players of all levels and experience are welcome, we just ask that you respect other members, be patient and be active. We're a growing communuty, mainly made up of veteran players who have been playing this game since Day One. We raid, run exotic quests, dungeons, pretty much all PvE content, we play PvP, both Comp and Quickplay & we help eachother out with bounties, levelling and in game objectives. Members are mainly UK and US based so there should be plenty of help online when you need it. We are aged between 18 and 50, we have: Students, full time workers & parents, we realise real life happens but also appreciate that people need time to detach from their responsibilities to hang out, chill out and play a video game where we get to save the world over and over again, whilst looking really, really cool!! We are a chill, fun, sarcastic group that enjoy the banter as much as we enjoy the game. Request to join the clan, we will accept you and send you a discord invite, you MUST join discord within 24 hours.



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