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10/18/2020 1:51:19 PM

Twitch Extension app still not working

I ve tried so many times to make this work but it seems i cant fix this, the app is not working, if u hover on tho the app it says: "wait until (streamer name) starts playing destiny". I already tried to Unlink everything, remove all the permissions and also changing browser, nothing seems to work. Any Help?



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  • Hey there! Please follow these links to Bungie’s [url=]Twitch Extension Support article [/url]and their [url=]Error Code Help article[/url] for troubleshooting steps you can take. I would recommend to do the following steps below: 1. Clear cookies/cache 2. Unlink your twitch account from 3. Remove the extension from your twitch channel 4. Relink your twitch account 5. Redo the twitch extension process



    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

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