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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/16/2021 10:03:03 PM

Recommended Power Levels

So yes, I started the quest today for the scout. The recommended power level is stated 1230. I am at 1279, yet as soon as you see your first enemies they have sword emblems above them signifying they are higher level, and will be very hard to kill. So here's my question. Why would you say recommended 1230 when they're way higher leveled than that, unless they scale with you and are always higher by default? In that case though, recommending 1230 still seems useless. If they level with you, it should just be saying "scaled to player" where it gives you the level information. Make up your mind on this one Bungie. If I see "recommended power level" then that's the level I expect enemies to be around. Maybe you're trying to mind freak everyone here, in which case ok, I get that one to give the feeling of anxiety and hopelessness, but come on, don't misinform us on the pertinent information unless its integrated with the storytelling saying "we don't know what to expect here, be careful guardian" or something to such effect. Seamless building in even the most seemingly insignificant details is a powerful tool that can be used to bring players in more, it adds depth to the world, makes things more natural instead of forced.



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