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7/9/2021 9:19:55 PM

Are You Shy? [PS4/5] [18+]

I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that supports me if that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a growing clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us in Season of the Splicer. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Guardian Spirit[/b] is a clan for those that have anxiety, depression and those that are shy. We are an 18+ clan. We also like to focus on creating a safe space for those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. We are a raid-centric clan and love teaching new members the ropes. Our group is mainly situated in North America and Europe. There are two sections to the clan, which are both exactly the same. We are currently recruiting for the second division of the clan! If you are interested, please give us a try! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. This app is available for both Android and iPhone. It is also available via webpage at Every month we do a clan “check-in”. This ensures that members are active within the Band community. We do not boot for Destiny inactivity; however, you will lose your clan tag if you do not respond to the monthly check-in. When you are accepted into the clan, instructions on how to join the BAND group will be provided via private message. [b]Please note: [/b]Only accepted applications will be approved on BAND. Further details below. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Clan Mother/Founder[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Admin[/b] Gamer_Dragon3 [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. [b]You have two options for sending in your answers:[/b] Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! [u](Please do NOT message me on psn.)[/u] [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) - Do you have a headset? - What country/timezone are you from? - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! If you would like any further information, please feel free to message me. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Playstation Clan.*** [/i]



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  • Hiya again. PSN: bobk89 Age: 31 Region: US, EST Mic: yes Name: Bob



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    1 Rispondi
    • Greetings. PSN: TacoWarLord1 Age: 19 Region: US, CST timezone Mic: yes Name: Just call me Lucid



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    • [quote]I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that supports me if that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a growing clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us in Season of the Splicer. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Guardian Spirit[/b] is a clan for those that have anxiety, depression and those that are shy. We are an 18+ clan. We also like to focus on creating a safe space for those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. We are a raid-centric clan and love teaching new members the ropes. Our group is mainly situated in North America and Europe. There are two sections to the clan, which are both exactly the same. We are currently recruiting for the second division of the clan! If you are interested, please give us a try! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. This app is available for both Android and iPhone. It is also available via webpage at Every month we do a clan “check-in”. This ensures that members are active within the Band community. We do not boot for Destiny inactivity; however, you will lose your clan tag if you do not respond to the monthly check-in. When you are accepted into the clan, instructions on how to join the BAND group will be provided via private message. [b]Please note: [/b]Only accepted applications will be approved on BAND. Further details below. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Clan Mother/Founder[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Admin[/b] Gamer_Dragon3 [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. [b]You have two options for sending in your answers:[/b] Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! [u](Please do NOT message me on psn.)[/u] [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) - Do you have a headset? - What country/timezone are you from? - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! If you would like any further information, please feel free to message me. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Playstation Clan.*** [/i][/quote] Psn is GiddyGamba, I am ‘he’ and ai do have a headset! I am from hollands so I guess thats ECT… looking for some nice peeps to play end game content.



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      2 Risposte
      • Psn- HeyImSlay Pronoun- He Headset- Yes Country/timezone- U.S eastern Age- 22



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      • I joined this clan a few days ago after. I have a terrible case of social anxiety that makes LFG a nightmare. These guys have been some of the most friendly and helpful group of people I have met in all my time in Destiny. Joining this clan has already been one of the best choices I could have made.



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        1 Rispondi
        • Bumpity Bump!



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          15 Risposte
          • Psn- BoldJester Pronoun- He/Him Headset- At the moment no but will eventually get one Location- US/EST Age- 20



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          • Joined this clan recently, but not got round to gaming with them yet due to work being so hectic. I joined because I suffer with sometimes crippling shyness and anxiety and never found a group I could feel myself in. But what a bunch of guys/gals always some good chats going and they are always throwing offers of help and guidance... The best group ever I've had the pleasure of joining and I've played since d1.....



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          • Hey super interested in joining your clan! My PSN is Empyreanmoon052 I go by they/them I do have a headset I’m in the United States in the pacific time zone I’m 18



            Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

          • [quote]I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that supports me if that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a growing clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us in Season of the Splicer. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Guardian Spirit[/b] is a clan for those that have anxiety, depression and those that are shy. We are an 18+ clan. We also like to focus on creating a safe space for those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. We are a raid-centric clan and love teaching new members the ropes. Our group is mainly situated in North America and Europe. There are two sections to the clan, which are both exactly the same. We are currently recruiting for the second division of the clan! If you are interested, please give us a try! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. This app is available for both Android and iPhone. It is also available via webpage at Every month we do a clan “check-in”. This ensures that members are active within the Band community. We do not boot for Destiny inactivity; however, you will lose your clan tag if you do not respond to the monthly check-in. When you are accepted into the clan, instructions on how to join the BAND group will be provided via private message. [b]Please note: [/b]Only accepted applications will be approved on BAND. Further details below. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Clan Mother/Founder[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Admin[/b] Gamer_Dragon3 [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. [b]You have two options for sending in your answers:[/b] Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! [u](Please do NOT message me on psn.)[/u] [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) - Do you have a headset? - What country/timezone are you from? - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! If you would like any further information, please feel free to message me. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Playstation Clan.*** [/i][/quote] Hi PSN TALLMAN117 HE/she I have a headset I’m from the uk 22



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          • Um hi? PSN: AngelTzadkiel She/her I don’t really have a headset I’m just using some old earbuds with a mic I’m on Eastern Standard time (American North east) I’m 26 I’m diagnosed Bipolar 2 with severe social anxiety. I manage to hold down a Full time job and don’t always have time to play, it’s a hobby. I would like to have a chance to do raids and dungeons.



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          • Questions - What is your PSN? Instatable - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) He/Him - Do you have a headset? I do! - What country/timezone are you from? Canada Central - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 35 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? I very much dislike talking on a headset but I always feel better knowing that other people feel the same way. I especially dislike the sound of my own voice.



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          • Modificato da smr7698: 7/10/2021 9:18:47 PM
            Hello! PSN: smr7698 Pronouns: He/him Headset: Yes Country: US Age: 18 I also have some pretty bad anxiety and depression which really sucks. I don’t have a lot of friends, especially who play destiny, so I can’t do a lot of endgame content. I would love to be in your clan and have fun with you guys!



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          • What is your PSN? - VR_Weeb What are your pronouns? - He/Him Do you have a headset? - Yes What country/timezone are you from? - US Eastern Age? - 21 Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? - I've been playing since D1, but I'm not really good at this game. Especially since I'm just coming back from a huge break I took from the game. However, I would love to join you're clan and try to be the best member I can.



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          • - What is your PSN?Deangerzone - What are your pronouns? He/him - Do you have a headset?yes - What country/timezone are you from?USA central - Age? 28



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          • Psn is - MySpinichPuffs Pronouns - he/him Headset - currently no but am getting one as mine broke Country - England Age - 23 Been playing since D1 came out and loved it, not been able to do much of the raids and other stuff as got real bad anxiety which makes it hard but would love to join.



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          • - What is your PSN? Sinnerchrono9 - What are your pronouns? (He/him) - Do you have a headset? Yeap I do - What country/timezone are you from? England GMT - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 33 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? Not really I love this game I enjoy playing it with others but social anxiety has hampered that these past few years 😬



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          • [u]Questions[/u] - What is your PSN? Kibb1lesnbits_ps - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) He/him - Do you have a headset? Yes - What country/timezone are you from? USA/ eastern standard time - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 31 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? Just started playing a couple months ago. Looking for a good group to do raids/dungeons. I cuss like a sailor when I play.



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          • What is your PSN?Aragonize - What are your pronouns?he - Do you have a headset?yes - What country/timezone are you from?Usa Eastern - Age? 29



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          • - What is your PSN? Frenchiiyy - What are your pronouns? He - Do you have a headset? Yes - What country/timezone are you from? Washington DC, eastern - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 25 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add?



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          • Modificato da Lizardman877: 7/10/2021 5:39:52 AM
            Lizardman8771 He Medford lakes NJ



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          • - What is your PSN? woahhitsjess - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) She/Her - Do you have a headset? yes - What country/timezone are you from? United States / East Coast / Philadelphia - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 27 - Optional: Anything else you’d like to add? Me and my sister are looking for a new clan. We both suffer with anxiety/ social anxiety and depression so making friends is and was always hard. so this is our shot in the dark. my sister info is below. thank you for the consideration. - What is your PSN? whoahhhmiss - What are your pronouns? (He/She/They etc.) She/Her - Do you have a headset? yes - What country/timezone are you from? United States / East Coast / Philadelphia - Age? (Or, or are you over 18?) 30



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          • I think i remember seeing you guys in destiny 1, glad to see its still going strong. best of luck to you guys



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            1 Rispondi
            • I have to say this clan is amazing to be in. Everyone was so helpful when I had to grind for hours and then smashed out crucible.



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            • These guys aren’t just a clan. They’re family. It’s a wonderful place filled with incredible and incredibly bizarre and beautiful people. I’m a proud member. It’s like being called home and we’ve a spot at the table waiting for you guardian……



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