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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da ChaosCosmonaut: 9/25/2021 9:10:19 PM

Uldren Sov - thanks for bringing him back

Firstly: This contains spoilers for the 2 previous seasons Secondly: please, don't make him end up like amanda holiday. A character that's completely useless. I liked the missions with the lures, with Uldren constantly chatting with us. For me he is some kind of equal-partner, being the closest guardian to us apart from other player-guardians. I feel like destiny never had something like guardian-companions (again: except online players). Cayde, ikora, zavala, they are/were all leaders, that were standing above us, but with Uldren it feels equal; more mutual if I can say so. I came back after a 1-2 year break, and just wanted to say thank you for bringing one of my favorite characters back. He's been mean in D1, and even worse in D2 considering the forsaken story line, but I really liked him. He just felt special compared to all other characters, and with the hawkmoon quest he got even more interestinig. Please don't leave him behind now that we finally got him away from spider and accepted him as a guardian. don't let him rot in a corner in H.E.L.M when new expansions arrive. Give him roles, minor roles even are fine, as long as he doesn't get cut out of the game completely in future seasons and expansions. This might be a subjective opinion and wish, but maybe others ( who ain't still mad about him killing off cayde) think about Uldren just like I do. EDIT: Gotta admit though, that some of his dialogus are a little over the top. It's obvious you put many ironic quotes into the game in which he states he will never do this or that bad thing, while that's exactly what he did. For exmaple today petra said something like: my job is to protect the queen and the dreaming city. Uldren's answer: "oh yeah, I would never harm or do anything like that anyways." or something like that. That's nothing a normal person would say; not to mention that we accepted him as a guardian.



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