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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
10/5/2021 7:28:49 PM

Stasis Fusion Rifle to fix a lack of kinetic slot specials

With the possibility of stasis weapons going in to the kinetic slot I figured this is the prime opportunity to alleviate some stress points in loadout building. There are currently very few options for a kinetic special weapon and Bastion/Arbalest are the only two deviating from sniper/shotgun. I think we desperately need more variety in the slot and I would love to see the Aggressive Frame fusions get some attention rather than be left to wither and die. I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that in this, season of the VOOP, we didn't get stasis fusion (although aggressive frames have a broken interaction with Particle Deconstruction) but at least something to fill the void of kinetic specials would be better late than never. Just to preemptively mention an issue, this would highlight that Bastion's exotic intrinsic perk is "is a kinetic fusion" but if Coldheart's exotic intrinsic can remain "is a trace rifle" then maybe this is a hurdle already passed.



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