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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da ㅤ: 5/31/2022 2:40:30 PM

Max Cap Level 1570 In Under A Week.

I Grind Hard, everything. If you Ain’t 1st, You’re Last.


I Grind But Only The Usual Easy Stuff/Pinnacles.


I really don’t care. I play whenever, however.


My buddy and I were grinding day 1 to try to get all the red border opulent weapons. Doing everything we could to reach rank 16 on crown of sorrow Rep and get as many keys as we could. We then proceeded to do the same thing Friday with the dungeon grinding Master to hit max level. Surprisingly, I hit it in about 43ish encounters which was very lucky and took some time but also a few cheeses and glitches to help speed things up. We did all encounters 1,2 &3 not just 1 of them 40+ times. Someone then asked me. Why? I thought about it lol and I couldn’t come up with a good reason besides just wanting to play and compete to be there first. So I know most people complain about the game and how grindy it is, how difficult things are, and how horrible RNG is but I know there has to be some of us out there who embrace and love the grind. So I want to poll and see if most of you care, kinda care, or don’t care? Let me know. Let’s not make this a bash party, keep it clean keep it nice.



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  • In regards to grind. I feel weapon crafting may end up ruining the end game grind. It’ll become a red border grind rather than a weapon roll grind. Why go for a timelost fatebringer, Eyasluna or Adept DFA when you can just craft a better gun in Austringer? Craftable weapons shouldn’t be in the top tier of weapons. They should be mid tier workhorses that can help you complete the hardest content but aren’t necessarily best in class



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  • probably wont do GMs again



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    2 Risposte
    • I don’t care about pinnacles. I stopped trying to do everything in the game when it became a full time job with overtime. PVP and Gambit is pretty much all I do now.



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      1 Rispondi
      • Tbh I don't really care anymore. They killed any reason to level to max a long time ago



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        • Gonna get the seal and the patterns, thats about all I'm after this season. I need a break, been on the grind pretty hard the last two seasons.



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          • I don’t really care what my power is. I work full time and I just play to enjoy it. Not to rush through everything in a single day



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            • There are many ways to get pinns that I just do not find to be enjoyable content, so they are ignored. PVP for example. Imagine starting out brand new in the F2P to see if this looked like something worth buying, yeah that would be a big nope for me.



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              • I’ve lost motivation to do it so quickly now. Especially with this asinine iron banner



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                2 Risposte
                • Modificato da Say goodnight, Pipilly: 6/1/2022 4:35:54 PM
                  As a newer player that got to the hard cap in a little over 5 weeks last season, I got to the hard cap this season in just 1 week. And I suspect I will need the entire rest of the season to beat the very obviously rigged RNG to reach the pinnacle cap. I'm not gonna grind for it.



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                  3 Risposte
                  • Don’t care. What happened is what is supposed to happen in end- game. You were grinding for loot, and progression took care of itself.



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                    5 Risposte
                    • I would grind like that but i don't have friends to grind with and trying to compete to be first is actually quite demoralizing when your required to solo everything out use the garbage lfg to complete something... i still don't have my catalyst for gjalahorn or vox... but good job getting maxed so fast



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                      1 Rispondi
                      • I was down to grind pretty hard for the season when I noticed the possible perk combinations for the seasonal shotty so I got all my crown upgrades for the week and thought sweet now after reset I can get a few more upgrades and begin focussing weapons in hopes of red boarders, because the tier 3 apparently just isn't allowed to let me have any red boarders shottys or any with decent perks. Then BAM only possible to get 2 upgrades this week meaning no one no matter the grind can afford to focus seasonal weapons yet.....I can enjoy a grind but time gating me makes me so so so mad.



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                      • I've done over 500 t3 public events, opened around 70 opulent chests prestiged and I'm back at rank 10, handed in 7 bound essences. All I have is 4/5 scouts and 4/5 shottys. Not seen any other weapons deepsight at all.



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                        2 Risposte
                        • Really depends on my mood and if I have time (Uni and stuff). Some days I grind every playlist and other days i quit after two matches of pvp (my name is Ängry for a reason :) )



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                          • I just hit rank 16 at the Crown of Sorrow this past Saturday. I’ve been using the containment event to test all my build ideas on all three characters and test different weapon rolls. I didn’t think I’d like the activity as it’s a public event style, but I actually really like it now. This weekend I got an Ascendent Alloy, so I figured I’d play it more and I’ve now managed to get 4 Allows in a very short amount of time. Now I’m running it just to keep stocking up on opulent Umbral energy. I’m sure I’ll burn myself out of the event by the end of the season, but I do enjoy it.



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                            • 1

                              Barely hanging on - vecchio

                              I'm 1566, hardly done any pinnacles, just can't be bothered...



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                              • I just did all pinacles except master wellspring and got all my gear to halfway to max and i only did the dungeon 2x on normal difficulty.



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