I joined a king's fall daughter checkpoint where the only requirement was wardcliff coil and a mic and I made it very clear to them before and during when I joined that I might need the tiniest bit of teaching seeing as how I was doing not only daughters for the first time but King's fall in it entirety and when I joined they were complaining that no one wanted to join a daughter's checkpoint at 4:00 in the morning and when one of the people was getting shot down by the snipers they got mad at me because I didn't preemptively put on a scout rifle and protect the guy that kept dying and then their call outs were atrocious some of them were using the names of players some of them were using wrong callouts some of them were using different call outs and one of them literally never talked and when I asked if I should switch off of wardcliff coil because I was missing half of my shots to a hot head some of the people left and in the end I was kicked randomly while we're waiting for new players thus is why new players don't last long and why I will never use lfg's for raids ever again and before you say it was my fault I had top boss dmg and was one of the only 2 people who gave a single shat about ads and I am by no means a new player and also when another titan joined that wanted to be bubble they just made both of us be bubble and blamed us if we were a few seconds late bcuz we put down bubble or if we missed our wardcliff barrages
You just played with potato people
Trust me it ain’t that bad for new players most of the time
I never do new d2 raids early so I always have to find people willing to teach. Today I found people to teach me vow.
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