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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
9/7/2022 11:34:54 PM

Why no high-stat armour focusing this season?

In comparison to the CoS and War Table upgrades, this season’s Star Chart doesn’t give us the ability to focus high-stat armour. When you focus an engram into a specific piece of armour at the War Table from Season of the Risen or the CoS from last season, you will get stuff ranging from 64-67. With a ghost mod equipped you can get nice spikey-stats. I often get good 66 stuff. This season the focusing hasn’t dropped a single piece above 60!! The upgrades don’t say we can get high stat amour unlike the previous ones. It’s unfortunate bc of course the current umbral energy is prioritised from all sources, and I would much rather farm and enjoy the current seasonal activity than grind the Containment or PsiOps for less energy at a time for longer periods. Somehow this season is all abound plunder and pirate-bootey but the loot and its quality has SIGNIFICANTLY dropped. :(



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