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1/28/2023 6:15:47 PM

Destiny 2 Official Twitch Extension Support

Bungie - Where can we submit a ticket for inconsistent performance of the Destiny 2 Official Twitch Extension? For multiple months, it will work on some days, and not on others with no change in configuration for neither the streamer nor the viewer. The most recent consistent instance of this was GernaderJake's stream where it worked all day yesterday, and it's not working today. This is being experienced by his entire stream, not just one or two individuals. The message in the extension says "Waiting for <streamer> to play Destiny..." and "Bungie gift sub bounties are offline" -- except people do actually get their rewards from Amanda Holliday for gifting subs. The popup alert for completing the Gift Sub Bounties even appears right after gifting the subs alerting the user to go to Amanda Holliday. Trials Match Reactions do not popup at all. Attached is the debug information from my D2OTE client: S: T 1423946 | B 7341788 | C V: B 27991 | P 1 | OT UVFc05V1CPGT5EPP4z_j2 true | T 41550699 Thanks.



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