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Reclutamento clan

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Modificato da norm: 3/23/2023 9:46:33 AM

LF Casual, fun group of people who complete end game content regularly

Hi there! I am a returning player , who owns all content, but left the game around S17-18 so haven’t completed : -Duality -Spire of the Watcher -KF (ran multiple times back in D1) -Root of Nightmares -Vow (only ran once) Would love to be able to learn these bits of content with a chill clan. Apart from this I know all other content. Hopefully looking for an EU/UK based clan who has a Discord w the bots integrated eg Charlemagne etc. Pop me a message if any clans like this around would be greatly appreciated!



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  • We have a clan of 45 plus a public discord of 300 plus if you’re interested in that. We moderate the discord and have a Facebook group too. Lots of cool stuff plus a warmind chat bot for LFG. The more people the better. Best of both worlds. If you’re looking for a discord with lots of people to run Destiny content with check us out. No requirements. Just enjoy and be friendly. We run a lot of end game content aka raids, trials, GMs etc. You do not need to join clan. Discord is public to anyone. Thanks 🙏 ***If your looking to join clan we do have spots open. Join discord. Get to know the members and see how things go.***



    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

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