Certain Legend/Master Lost Sectors Potentially Not Providing Stated Rewards (E.g. Perdition)
On my Warlock I played 12 Legendary Lost Sectors and 6 Master Lost Sectors with no exotic reward. The Lost Sector I was playing was Perdition on Europa March 19th/20th 2023.
On my Titan I was able to obtain a new exotic drop after 1 Legend Lost Sector (Bunker E15). On my Hunter I was able to obtain a new exotic drop after 1 Legend Lost Sector (Excavation Site XII). Both drops were obtained several days ago.
I have heard anecdotal evidence from other players that the drop rate for "all lost sectors" has been significantly nerfed; however, based on my titan and hunter drops I don't believe this to be the case. The only other explanation as to why the drop rate on my warlock is so low, is that my warlock has yet to complete the legend campaign. My Titan and Hunter both received their drops after completing the campaign and then attempting a Legend Lost Sector. I hope to complete the legend campaign on my warlock as soon as my fireteam's schedules align.
Can anyone provide additional information on this, or refer me to another similar post? I did *briefly* look at the known issues page, and did not find anything related to drop rates. Am I crazy, or is something going on here?
Thank you!
I got the new exotic warlock arms on my first play through of today's session. The Quarry Master Lost Sector March 28th 2023 at 0120 MST. My warlock has not completed the lightfall campaign.
If anyone reads this obscure dead thread, stay away from Europa Legend/Master Lost Sectors.
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