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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
4/24/2023 1:41:14 AM

What's the state of hand cannons currently?

Hi, new destiny 2 player here. Have been having a blast doing what's available getting new stuff and finding out what exotics do as I come across them with my friend who's far more experienced. Recently I've been thinking about playing hand cannons in attempt to become a Destiny 2 "cowboy", but the aforementioned friend says the current state of hand cannons isn't all that great and that using ciphers on majority hand cannons would be a waste. Looking for any sort of second opinions as well as ideas to make hand cannons supposedly not garbage. Appreciate any and all help or feedback!



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  • In PvE, don't use em. They're a poor choice even with the recent buff. In the crucible, they are still good but SMGs and pulses rule the roost currently. Rose, Round Robin, Igneous Hammer, Palindrome, Exalted Truth, Steady Hand and True Prophecy are all good legendary HCs but some are difficult to attain or currently unattainable. Ace, Hawkmoon and Sunshot are all good exotic HCs. Thorn, as well, if you're on a smaller map and hit your shots. Crimson and TLW are very strong if you're on the sticks



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  • Ace and TLW are really the only ones worth using if you're just getting used to the game. 140s can be good but they get outgunned by SMGs and the pacing on their shots is predictable to anyone using a bow or sniper.



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    • It really depends on your style of play. Hand cannons are still really strong in the right hands. Mostly I see the 140rpm ones used. Exotics like Crimson and Ace of Spades is common. I was using a Seventh Sereph hand cannon, not unlike the one the gun smith is selling right now, and having fun with it. I did surprisingly well in the one and only match I used it in and I hate hand cannons.



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