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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da BladesofElysian: 7/23/2023 6:42:43 PM

It's come to my attention...

It's come to my attention that communities stick together and always wish for great things to happen to those we respect. Take Team Cherry, for instance - The developers for Hollowknight and Silksong. Those developers receive nothing but praise. Yes, their community constantly let's them know that they're waiting for Silksong's release, but despite the desire, they know that they're doing all they can to perfect their game. Like Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory, when the factory sits quiet, all know that is when the real work is being done. Where am I going with this? Well, Bungie had a goal, Beyond Light, Witchqueen, Lightfall - Witchqueen had the delay due to covid and was half baked, but still passed as being pretty good. It didn't have Strand, but at this point, the players didn't even know what strand was. Then came lightfall, but it wasn’t the original Lightfall. This Lightfall was nothing more than a tragic descent from grace. Neomuna was never supposed to be a destination. The veil was most likely supposed to be on Savathun's throne world. Rewrites and Retcons are dangerous in story telling, they are shoddy patches that cause the original vision to blur into a point of unrecognizable obscurity. My question to the community: Would you have supported Bungie if they delayed Witchqueen for a year or even longer? Strand would have been in Witchqueen, and Lightfall would have been the conclusion we all wanted. If Bungie came out and said, the studio is going to go radio silent - No new seasons beyond a specific point and major patch released, putting the game at a golden balanced moment - Old pvp maps returned along with the old redwar campaign and forsaken content, and then they just left the game to hold its own weight for the time being, would it have survived? Would we be playing horns of triumph, or would we be playing a dirge of sorrow? Personally, the answer is simple. I would have traded all the seasonal content we got for Witchqueen and Lightfall to be the expansions they could have been.



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  • 2
    The thing with bullies is that trading one thing for another always result in you losing both, and bullies Bungie devs are It's perfectly reasonable to expect both quality and lead time, given the inflation on d2's price every year, it's beyond reasonable, I want Bungie to deploy more staffs on destiny title which I actually pay for, compromise on release time instead won't fix the poor quality



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  • Modificato da TheShadow: 7/24/2023 1:57:39 PM
    [quote]Personally, the answer is simple. I would have traded all the seasonal content we got for Witchqueen and Lightfall to be the expansions they could have been.[/quote] You would have had the same results as you do now, Look at D2 base game and all their work since Activision left them that is their work going from what D1 offered to D2 that says enough. The thing is, they did for a second time renegotiate their contract with Activision and had that extra year, and what was done? Nothing, they literally stripped the game to the barebone to turn Destiny into a stupid cash grab and they dragged it through the mud for the next six years trying to look for (((every single way around anything they could to avoid making a quality type of game.))) This isn't the original Bungie and some need to face the reality that it doesn't matter if they had 3 years, they would still look for ways to cut a hell of a lot of corners and spend most of their time as they have this last 4 years looking to add all the BS that comes with gaming then anything else.



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    3 Risposte
    • It’s that old question of quantity vs quality. A significant portion of the community wants continuous ‘endless’ content. That’s why seasons exist — there is a big enough demand for them. Personally, I’ve always preferred quality. I’m fine with content droughts, I’m fine taking breaks from Destiny and I prefer the developers of any game to take extra time in order to get a high level of polish.



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      3 Risposte
      • Modificato da RopeAdope: 7/24/2023 9:25:39 PM
        [quote]Would you have supported Bungie if they delayed Witchqueen for a year or even longer? [/quote] Yes, no. Reciprocity isn't their strong suit, hindsight and all [quote] If Bungie came out and said, the studio is going to go radio silent - No new seasons beyond a specific point and major patch released, putting the game at a golden balanced moment - Old pvp maps returned along with the old redwar campaign and forsaken content, and then they just left the game to hold its own weight for the time being, would it have survived? Would we be playing horns of triumph, or would we be playing a dirge of sorrow?[/quote] Triumph. Every game ends. And backlogs exist. Gameplay is king and stands the test of time. Just look how favorable back-compat is edit: In fact, this is exactly what I think they are trying to do. Its not called "The Final Shape" for no reason. Good white paper tho xp



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      • Given the choice I would rather wait until something is ready. I prefer that to receiving something that’s classed as ‘on time’ but that clearly needed longer ‘in the oven’. However it’s not my choice to make and I can understand the financial and business pressures/reasons for things being done the way they are. Personally I think Destiny 2 should have been left as it was, with no DCV. All content, original campaign etc.. intact for anyone to experience. Destiny 3 would have started with Beyond Light.



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        1 Rispondi
        • [quote]It's come to my attention that communities stick together and always wish for great things to happen to those we respect. Take Team Cherry, for instance - The developers for Hollowknight and Silksong. Those developers receive nothing but praise. Yes, their community constantly let's them know that they're waiting for Silksong's release, but despite the desire, they know that they're doing all they can to perfect their game. Like Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory, when the factory sits quiet, all know that is when the real work is being done. Where am I going with this? Well, Bungie had a goal, Beyond Light, Witchqueen, Lightfall - Witchqueen had the delay due to covid and was half baked, but still passed as being pretty good. It didn't have Strand, but at this point, the players didn't even know what strand was. Then came lightfall, but it wasn’t the original Lightfall. This Lightfall was nothing more than a tragic descent from grace. Neomuna was never supposed to be a destination. The veil was most likely supposed to be on Savathun's throne world. Rewrites and Retcons are dangerous in story telling, they are shoddy patches that cause the original vision to blur into a point of unrecognizable obscurity. My question to the community: Would you have supported Bungie if they delayed Witchqueen for a year or even longer? Strand would have been in Witchqueen, and Lightfall would have been the conclusion we all wanted. If Bungie came out and said, the studio is going to go radio silent - No new seasons beyond a specific point and major patch released, putting the game at a golden balanced moment - Old pvp maps returned along with the old redwar campaign and forsaken content, and then they just left the game to hold its own weight for the time being, would it have survived? Would we be playing horns of triumph, or would we be playing a dirge of sorrow? Personally, the answer is simple. I would have traded all the seasonal content we got for Witchqueen and Lightfall to be the expansions they could have been.[/quote] Comparing small-time devs to a billion dollar business is pretty dumb. Bungie wants your money. Its no mystery, this is Bidness. So imo they would never delay as that would impact revenue. Simples.



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        • [quote]It's come to my attention that communities stick together and always wish for great things to happen to those we respect. Take Team Cherry, for instance - The developers for Hollowknight and Silksong. Those developers receive nothing but praise. Yes, their community constantly let's them know that they're waiting for Silksong's release, but despite the desire, they know that they're doing all they can to perfect their game. Like Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory, when the factory sits quiet, all know that is when the real work is being done. Where am I going with this? Well, Bungie had a goal, Beyond Light, Witchqueen, Lightfall - Witchqueen had the delay due to covid and was half baked, but still passed as being pretty good. It didn't have Strand, but at this point, the players didn't even know what strand was. Then came lightfall, but it wasn’t the original Lightfall. This Lightfall was nothing more than a tragic descent from grace. Neomuna was never supposed to be a destination. The veil was most likely supposed to be on Savathun's throne world. Rewrites and Retcons are dangerous in story telling, they are shoddy patches that cause the original vision to blur into a point of unrecognizable obscurity. My question to the community: Would you have supported Bungie if they delayed Witchqueen for a year or even longer? Strand would have been in Witchqueen, and Lightfall would have been the conclusion we all wanted. If Bungie came out and said, the studio is going to go radio silent - No new seasons beyond a specific point and major patch released, putting the game at a golden balanced moment - Old pvp maps returned along with the old redwar campaign and forsaken content, and then they just left the game to hold its own weight for the time being, would it have survived? Would we be playing horns of triumph, or would we be playing a dirge of sorrow? Personally, the answer is simple. I would have traded all the seasonal content we got for Witchqueen and Lightfall to be the expansions they could have been.[/quote] Ain’t that the ole ding dangle



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        • This is the level cope Bungie has taken its player base. Y’all need to become casual D2 players. It’s so much healthier to enjoy the game for its increasing flaws if you aren’t playing 8hrs/day & $100 a year.



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        • I've made comments like this before, but since you brought up Willy Wonka, I'll mention it again. A lot of people, not just Destiny players, these days have the same perspective as Veruca Salt; "Don't care how, I want it now." I don't think quality is of concern anymore, there're always going to be that group of malcontents that feel no matter the circumstances, nothing will ever be good enough. I think this is a great post, nonetheless.



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        • I would wait exactly 7 years from D2 Vanilla to have beyond light, witch queen, and lightfall come out the way we know Bungie can produce games. As long as they don’t dilly dally and wait last minute just making ideas with no substance to work on.



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        • You might want to try asking this on Reddit, not these forums. This is the toxic place, not the genuine opinions and questions place.



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        • [quote]Would we be playing horns of triumph, or would we be playing a dirge of sorrow?[/quote]Dirge of sorrow. It's always the dirge of sorrow.



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        • I barely play now so I doubt I would have waited around for Bungie to spend a year trying to speed through content.



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