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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
8/25/2023 6:08:21 AM

I've done two resets only doing Relic - some feedback

1. Synaptic spear is extremely buggy with its tracking. It either tracks too aggressively so it'll just run into objects, or doesn't track at all and it just flops somewhere else. It has also times Anti-Tracked, where its tracking throws it off from its target. Pair this with its abysmal splash radius, this one is the most effective, but only when the spear wants to work. 2. The Scythe is also equally inconsistent. Did you know the flames track? I didn't. Most of the times the flames would clip small objects and stop in its tracks and the normal swipes also refuse to track at times. The explosions off the slams also go around corners for some reason, so you can spam in chokes and get free kills you shouldn't normally. The regular swipes also seem to have a way smaller hitbox than being shown, as I've seen multiple swipes go THROUGH someone and do nothing. 3. The Aegis is also probably the worst relic by far. Buggy hit registration both ways: Regular swipes are disjointed and hit farther than they visually give, and both attack types will clang, but do no damage. Jump slams also have a mind of their own, sometimes going in a direction you aren't facing or aiming. Jump slamming also has too long of hitlag, has if you do it you're vulnerable for a full 3 seconds, which feels way longer than it does with VoG's slams. Also having this is the first relic is bad for gamespeed, as it is the worst for getting kills with, especially with the new map. The shield also blocks bullets, but not grenades so you can easily get killed because you got frozen or ignited due to scorch effects going through it. 4. Relic dispensers also spawn in awful locations. I get it not spawning at spawns immediately, but they spawn in the middle of the map, which on smaller maps are far too easy to control. Also, due to a bug, you'll always see a 0:01 spawn timer, despite dispensers having despawned. 5. Heavy is far too abundant as well. Yes, it's a party mode, there's enough going on that heavy isn't needed as often, if at all. 6. You cannot score points without interacting with relics. Too many players join in, interact with the dispenser once, and then act as if it's clash. You can only get points by interacting with the dispenser, killing a relic holder, or getting kills while you hold a relic. (Refusal to play objective report when, constant 0 relic kills 1 dispenser interacted with). Maybe allowing super kills to count towards the counter or speeding up the relic % could help. 7. Spawning is too fast. Another problem taken from Momentum Control, you can easily get spawn trapped. The only relic that cannot one shot overshield is the spear, since its max damage I've seen is 202. Either spawns need to be slowed down, or spawn immunity needs to be implemented. Overall an extremely rough mode that needs more time to cook. Most players are only playing this mode currently because of the Rep bonus, and without it nobody realistically will.



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