I completed day 1 on challenge twice and didn't get the emblem. There was a tweet sept 2nd, from bungiehelp saying that they knew about the "issue", but as far as a know theres been no talk about it. Is there any other word about whats happening about this?
Hi there, thank you for your report. We are aware of players reporting this issue and are investigating.
Swat The Bot
Be excellent to each other. - vecchio
Bungie is still investigating this. They only became aware of the issue during the weekend and yesterday was Labor Day in the US (a holiday) so they would not have made much progress with this bug. Bungie is likely now hard at work investigating this bug and others. Stay tuned to their official channels for the latest news. -
Well….considering today is just business day 1 after finding out about the issue, we should give Bungie more time to decide on their next steps for this.