Can we get to the action now? We already established that immaru was a straight up hater in week 1, so why do we need more cutscenes of him just hating? We still have to kill the leviathan eater aswell as revive savathun and “kill” xivu. Can we do one of those instead of just yapping every Tuesday reset? No imbaru engine quest this week either?
Next week is the last week. So we might fight the leviathan eater and then get an end of season event some weeks later.
Story telling, like most other aspects of this game have suffered a major decline in quality. That's the short answer.
Modificato da Toots238857: 9/27/2023 12:32:39 PMWait...wha?? You're not happy with going from the holoprojector, then to talk to Eris, then RIGHT BACK TO THE HOLOPROJECTOR? That's quality content right there bud.... 😂! They even had a scene where we talked to Ikora and Sloan as the whale Asha just sat in the background like ..."da'fuc do I have to do with THIS season? 😂 Quality...... content......
Immaru is that negative friend you want to cut ties with but can't because your other friend is friends with them.
Immaru, imbaru ? What’s next, Irnbru ? Little wonder I haven’t been participating in the seasonal story.
Modificato da Hardcore_Uproar: 9/27/2023 7:50:39 AMOn the plus side, it's finished next week. Ten quid says it's a nothing burger leading into another lame non storyline next season that somehow leads us into Final Shape. I'm going for Savathun not knowing anything about how to get inside the Traveller and yay, it was all a trick because who would see that coming ?? And will somebody please crush Immaru two seconds after Savathun comes back so we don't have to go through this again. This seasonal story is so boring most of the characters have noped out of it. I am actually starting to feel sorry for Crow. He's had people running past him for weeks who never stop to speak. He told me "Glint says Hi" the other day and I actually wondered who Glint was for a moment.
There is an additional part of the imbaru engine this week, you’re just not told about it. At the end of spire, in the room with the portals before the boss, there’s a new card tucked around a pillar on the right wall. You can start the imbaru engine mission in the helm, and the new card lets you go deeper into it, with a new silly confusing puzzle.
Yeah, Seasonal stories suck. Just characters dragging out the plot by adding pointless dialogue. Only the first and last weeks matter. Everything could be cut out and nothing would change.
But how is Bungie going to sell you the next season if they go through all the story events in one?
To be honest I think it is a good break from the tedious seasonal content or repetitive battlegrounds that have become so predictable lately. The story is dragging out a bit I agree, but they really are going for Drama here so it is expected. I think it is going to be completely worth it if Eris does in fact get that Vengence part rolling.
This seasons story has been pretty bad
cuz we can't kill xivu? atm eris is weak to fight xivu
You mean Imaru? Imbaru isn't the ghost and is Savathune's take on Sword Logic.
I wish we had 3 weeks of kissin…
Yeah, this season model is just filler content, especially the story.
There's a second step on the engine. Check esoterickk last videos. But not a specific quest story related
Another part of the Engine has been unlocked. There's a hidden card in the room right before the three Spire bosses called "Gift of Strength".
I don’t think I will even finish my season pass this time around ….tapped out of the season story stuff a few weeks back .