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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/5/2023 8:10:43 PM

Let's talk about Hunters

I'll start with some background info to hopefully avoid the "skill issue" and "get gud" replies here, but short version...I'm a VERY experienced PvE player (6x gilded Conquerer, raid sherpa, master raid clears, Guardian Rank 11 in every season it's been available, solo/flawless dungeons, etc.). I'm no SaltAgreppo, but I'm not the blueberry making you rage quit LFG raids, either. I'm a Hunter main, but I play all 3 classes. This post is primarily in regards to endgame content. Ok, that out of the way, let's chat about Hunters. They don't feel good right now, and they haven't for some time. I'll try to shorten this to bullet points to avoid writing a novel: - No class identity. We're supposed to be all about mobility, but we get outpaced and outjumped by both the other classes with regularity due to air moves, burst jumps, shoulder charge, etc. - Resilience rework with Witch Queen unfairly impacted Hunters. It's pretty much required to have high Resil, so we're forced to choose between fast recovery or high mobility, a problem made worse by the fact that our class ability is the only one that offers little to no defensive advantage. - The main benefit of our dodge is to refund melee energy, but it requires being near enemies. This brings me to the next point... - Nerfing Restoration, Devour, Woven Mail, AND orb generation all at once all serve to unfairly impact Hunters. Before you rush to your keyboard to defend your class, think about it...on Void, Warlocks still get Devour on ability kill (no orbs required), and Titans have overshield on demand *with* a barricade to boot. On solar, Titans are a Sunspot/Resto factory, and Warlocks are the only ones able to get Resto x2. On Strand, Warlocks get WeaveWalk, thereby giving them better invis/survivability than Void Hunters AND still keep massive damage output. And don't even get me started on Banner of War Titan. - The orb generation mod nerf unfairly impacts Hunters. Powerful Attraction felt like it was custom-made to help level the playing field for Hunters. We don't have a Barricade that can withstand boss attacks and stays on the field for long enough to fully heal. We don't have a rift. We have a lousy dodge that is only beneficial when up close and personal, but we don't heal quickly enough for that strategy to be viable on anything above at-level content because we were forced to spec into mobility and resilience. Being able to consistently generate and pick up orbs with our dodge to activate Recuperation, Devour, and Woven Mail was the ONLY thing that helped compensate. I'm not looking for Hunters to be as ridiculously overpowered as Banner of War Titans (I think that build is single-handedly ruining the game, btw). I just want the game to feel balanced again. Right now, even the seasonal activity has me feeling like my Hunter is made of paper. I went from being able to clear The Lightblade on GM difficulty without dying to getting nuked in Legend difficulty Nightfalls. Something has to change, and if it doesn't, I might have to switch classes. =(



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  • Speaking of PVP only, its so much bs with how no matter what you do you are getting beat to sniping lanes or engagement alleys. Its so wild that with the strand grapple slash melee movement, I get there literally a fraction of a second faster than a well lock or sentinel titans with 10 or 15 mobility, yet now they are even so much more meta because they move so fast and have no need to spec into mobility and have 100 resil and 100 recov. I've had to eat into my mobility to get my resil to atleast 6 so I dont get devoured alive by thorn. Dont even get me started on the YAS nerf. That is literally the only thing that made getting to sniping lanes even doable, yet the shadebinder warlock can throw bleak watchers/ cold snap grenades like they like candy. Yet titans still have Peacekeepers which are basically Stompees for Titans. The overshield on demand has got to go, I know hunters can get them but how many hunters are really running nightstalker in trials. Its literally a bs super against bubbles. They've really jacked up hunters to the point where pvp isnt fun anymore, like it ever was. Sorry for the vent and run on sentences but its just bs.



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