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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/6/2023 11:35:21 PM

Real talk Bungie, what the hell happened to you?

You used to care about your players, about quality. All you care about now is milking your indoctrinated zealots for every cent they have. You recycle almost everything over and over and you call it "new". You ignore any problems that make things unnecessarily harder but nerf ANYTHING that makes the game even slightly easier or more fun within a week of being found. You even trolled us about the Scorn Snipers being ridiculously overpowered and refused to address it until that season was over. I have said it many times and will say it again: The Bungie I met in Halo: Combat Evolved would NEVER EVEN CONSIDER doing the crap you're doing now.



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  • Greed. They thought D2 players would keep supplying them Years to come, only to find out that if Sony didnt buy them in WQ, the Studio would go under and Close doors(Curse of Osiris 2.0) Thus telling me Bungie has been losing money since the Activision Breakup. And to add that instead of putting the money they did make back into D2, they spent it on Marathon Development. So..Greed.



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    • Modificato da Fate: 12/9/2023 9:31:17 AM
      Greed and bad management happened Also they got political Politics and business should never mix just like personal life and business Politics are a quick way to ruin a business because then you push customers that don’t agree with said politics away shrinking the customer base To put it simply politics is bad for business as is any other controversial thing Just look at what happened to bud light Edited to elaborate



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      10 Risposte
      • 4 words. Go woke, go broke. They spend all their time focusing on stupid crap to "look good on paper" and forgot to make good content



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      • Wokeness happened , as the great man Elon musk once said ‘wokies go bleep yourself ‘ ! 😂😂



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      • 1. Allergic to work. 2. Way too obsessed with politics



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        148 Risposte
        • They went woke is what happened.



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          • OMG, you guys won't believe what just went down! So, I'm cruising through this Halo Combat Evolved session on my original Xbox, right? Just owning it like a boss, when suddenly, I read this thread and the OP drops the bombshell of the century – they met BUNGIE in the game! Like, Bungie, the absolute legends who birthed Halo into existence! I couldn't believe my eyes, and my fingers froze on the controller. I was like, "Hold up, rewind, you did WHAT? Met Bungie in Halo CE? Is this real life or just some crazy in-game rumor?" But nope, they were dead serious. Apparently, they met the ACTUAL Bungie in Halo Combat Evolved, and they had this insane conversation about the game, the making-of, and all sorts of mind-blowing insider info. I was freaking out – my Halo-loving heart couldn't handle the envy! Now, I'm sitting here, thinking, "Why can't that happen to me?" But hey, let's dream big, right? Imagine playing Halo CE and suddenly, fragging Grunts or even NOOBS and then, boom, Bungie is there - RIGHT THERE. I'd probably pass out from excitement. I'd want to ask them all the burning questions about Halo's secrets, Easter eggs, and everything in between. And then, just when I'm processing the idea of meeting Bungie, imagine BILL GATES strolling into the virtual world like it's no big deal. Like, "Hey, just checking out what's happening in the Halo universe today." I'd be losing my mind, like, "Bill Gates, you're a gaming icon too?!" But hold on, it gets even wilder – because in this dream scenario, THE ROCK decides to join the party! Dwayne freakin' Johnson, smelling what Master Chief is cooking in the digital battlefield. I can already hear The Rock's voice saying, "Can you smell what the Chief is cooking?" I'd be speechless, just trying not to embarrass myself in front of these legends. So, here I am, daydreaming about the most epic gaming session of all time – meeting Bungie, chilling with Bill Gates, and fragging aliens alongside The Rock in Halo Combat Evolved on the original Xbox. It's the stuff legends are made of, and I'm here, ready for that gaming dream to come true!



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          • Modificato da SINECURE53: 12/7/2023 10:51:28 PM
            Man, these employees at bungie were spoiled rotten brats. Cooking snd knitting classes while your product is a dumpster fire? No wonder profits are down. Welcome to the real world. These are adults, not children. Any job in the world if you underperform there will be consequences.



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            16 Risposte
            • The gaming industry as a whole has taken a turn for the worse. Developers are fuelled by greed rather than passion.



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              14 Risposte
              • A myriad of poor decision from management. 1. Sony sellout using pandemic projections as a baseline was unrealistic. The devs are innocent in this situation. The root of all the problems at Bungie seems to be money or their lack of money. Hence you see massive price increases in expansions and over monetization. Marathon might actually have been a big contributor to that which is what I think falls under poor management decisions. Marathon basically halved their already small pvp team and then needed funding. So bungie knowing they might lose control to Sony if they don’t reach their profit margins has to over monetize Destiny.



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                • Crazy enough, this current Bungie is really the current state of affairs for this industry as a whole, and even the country now. Everything from government to business is about being as zealous as possible, and catering to the zealots because everyone is so infatuated with idealistic nonsense that they'll throw everything at those who promise it. It will always be empty though. People don't understand what a middle ground and compromise are anymore. Its [i]"Completely my way, or no way."[/i] People only seem to understand extremes now. This stuff is largely the result of a failing society. Its desperation. Business in general is basically snake oil sales.



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                  10 Risposte
                  • Why would a stage get put into the game where you're going to have to run back to the center over and over after you die from not having shot registration? That's the stage? I can see how it fits with the theme of the season but still.



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                  • "They aren't that kind of company" anymore...



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                  • They sold out and committed to seasonal content instead of making their core playlist fun



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                  • The real question is, how will Bungo employees cope with only quarterly cooking and knitting classes instead of monthly? No knitting would be devastating



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                    • Pure arrogance....they think they are invincible and can do as they wish...this is why ever change is prefaced with "we think" or "we feel" and not "you asked for". They do what "THEY" want to players be damned. I cant wait to see sony take over, fire every single one of them and then laugh at thier twitter losts about how they say "we wanted to do x and y but we werent allowed" which is total bs. They made this game and made it "thier" way so now they can burn down with it. Such is life its called responsibility for actions.



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                    • Money happened



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                    • 💰



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                    • 1

                      Lore-meister - vecchio




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                    • Modificato da WatchTheWatcher: 12/10/2023 2:44:08 AM
                      Bungie - from the time they made D1 - compromised with itself by trying to make a bigger game than it could afford to develop. Instead of a new engine that could have made the game easier to manage, they recycled Tiger to save licensing costs and work with a toolset that they had familiarity with. Instead of making consistency and quality their executive mission, they broke their teams up into silos that competed with each other and set their own development agendas. Instead of a business model that thrives on huge sales and engaged players, they opted for recycled seasons and monetization from a dedicated core. There’s only so much people can take. No large immersive campaigns, no strikes, no new player pathway, no pvp development, no dedicated servers for better security and stability. Instead, we get chronic error codes, cheating, disjointed story telling, thin recycled content, over-monetization, vaulting, sunsetting, and corporate “we’re listening” speak.



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                      • Modificato da Gilgamesh: 12/7/2023 5:40:02 PM
                        [quote]You used to care about your players, about quality. All you care about now is milking your indoctrinated zealots for every cent they have. You recycle almost everything over and over and you call it "new". You ignore any problems that make things unnecessarily harder but nerf ANYTHING that makes the game even slightly easier or more fun within a week of being found. You even trolled us about the Scorn Snipers being ridiculously overpowered and refused to address it until that season was over. I have said it many times and will say it again: The Bungie I met in Halo: Combat Evolved would NEVER EVEN CONSIDER doing the crap you're doing now.[/quote] The Halo Bungie doesn’t exist This whole thing is the answer to the ship of Theseus The Bungie that existed then was a whole different team then what we have now



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                      • Did you see the recent news about what happened at the studio? Honestly it's the stupid higher ups messing everything up because they think we as customers actually like the product we're receiving lol. And since their not making enough money instead of reducing the salaries of the higher ups their just firing people 1 by 1. Lol tbh if that was me I wouldn't be sticking around to work on this game either.



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                      • You're conflating a company with the people that work for it. The people making the game, and probably the people who would be reading this forum, have nothing to do with monetization. They can bring that feedback to the monetization team, sure, but that doesn't mean anything is gonna get done about it, because the people in charge of finances only have one person they've gotta answer to, and that's the big executive in a fancy suit who wants his multi-hundred-million dollar bonus at the end of the year. Still plenty of people working on this game who put their heart and soul into it, probably just as much if not moreso than there were with halo, but back in the halo days bungie was a very small studio. They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted. Now the devs have a responsibility to do what the higher ups tell them to.



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                        5 Risposte
                        • Greed happened.



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                        • They -blam!- the bed a while back, didn't listen to the community and the chickens are roosting right now that CEO Nutty McSh@theads second beach house is on the line.



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                        • The employees always cared, the management wanted to cash out.



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