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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da 変だ_ポカリ: 12/6/2023 1:42:50 PM

warlock shatter ability, is it coming? ever?

the only things I can shatter guardians with is my fists or my weapons... and hunters have shatter dice and titans just walk into them like there's nothing there I always risk myself to go to the person if they're close enough but lately even if they're frozen by my frostpulse they just unfreeze and shotgun me (and my melee doesn't stick even though we're next to each other ?¿?¿?¿) so please, just give my something, an extra grenade that shatter, a melee that sends out a pulse that slows unaffected targets, freezes slowed targets, and finally, then shatters frozen targets and it refunds energy based on what it's done (and the slow damage counts as melee damage, same for shatter) and the reason I'm saying this, is because as a Shadebinders, momentum transfer and impact induction are completely useless in pvp, I honestly don't know if the melee or *coldsnap even do damage in pvp since my own uncharged melee shatters them



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  • Bungie is too scared to buff stasis after the beyond light shenanigans. What they need is a better update ie new supers, aspects, and melees: Warlock: Super: slam your staff into the ground, sending out a freezing burst. The staff stays in the ground, alternating freezing and shattering bursts (think of it as a damage over time/zone denial super). Guardians in the zone get resist x2 and faster reload speed. (Pretty decent size zone, lasts about 25 seconds). Aspect: shattering targets shoots out stasis needles that slow nearby enemies (basically the artifact mod, but permanent on warlocks). Melee: 2 charges. Raise your staff in the air, slowing nearby enemies (halfway to frozen) and shattering frozen targets. Gain melee energy when shattering targets with this melee (10% in pve, 25% in pvp). Exotics: -Shattering targets with your super returns super energy, up to a maximum of 50% -Improves bleak watchers. They shoot faster, last longer, and give you grenade energy when they freeze targets These buffs would give warlocks a way to shatter. It also gives them a one and done super that is good at add clear, somewhat good at dps, and gives allies buffs. This would also make sure that they don’t get even more powerful in pvp… Titans: Super: slam into the ground, creating a giant wall of stasis crystals (these crystals have a lot more health and are taller than regular crystals). The wall is 2 crystals thick. Allies that stand by this wall gain resist x3, greatly improved stability and weapon reload (they have to be standing within 10 m of it). Aspect: when shattering targets, gain increased movement speed and gain resist x2 (for about 5 seconds). Hitting targets with stasis weapons while this buff is active applies slow stacks to them. Melee: charged melee. Slam the ground, creating 3 trails of stasis crystals (think the super, but on a slightly smaller scale). Bonus: when using howl of the storm, it now creates 3 trails of stasis rather than one. Exotics: -when your glacial wall super crystals break, all nearby allies gain max overshield. Gain super energy for granting overshield with this exotic (about 5% per ally shielded). -press melee button immediately after using your slam melee to slam the ground again, shattering all crystals and frozen targets in a 10m radius around you. For titans, the aspect would give the glacial quake super its movement speed back that it so desperately needs to be somewhat viable. Also, the super would give titans another support super that is also a one and done. Hunter: Super: run around with your sickles, light attacks slow, heavy attacks freeze. At any point during the super, hold heavy attack to throw your freezing sickle (radius depends on how much super energy you have left) or hold light attack to throw your tornado sickle, which is smaller than your regular tornado (duration depends on how much super you have left). Be warned though, as using either of these will use the rest of your super energy. Aspect: when you apply slow to a target, all enemies nearby that target get slowed. This effect chains up to 3 times Melee: press melee to swing your sickle, freezing targets caught by it (slows in pvp). Hold melee to throw your sickle. If it hits a target, it instantly freezes them. If it hits the ground, it leaves a 5m slowing radius. After 5 seconds, it explodes in a freezing burst. If you pick up the sickle before it explodes, gain half your melee energy back. Exotics: -allows you to cast both your freezing and slowing sickle when using the roaming super by pressing your super button again. Freezing radius and tornado duration is divided in half, rounded to the nearest even number, depending on how much super energy you have left -slowing targets with your super increases the time your super is active (tornado lasts longer and you gain energy back when in the roaming super). Also, your mini tornado from the roaming super will stay active longer if it slows targets These would help hunters in pve without making them to powerful in pvp. The aspect that chains slow would make the shurikens much better in pve. Also, the super would give them a roaming super with the unique ability to turn into the regular super.



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