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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Whiskey: 12/13/2023 6:56:03 PM

Sad, Frustrated... idk...

TL;DR - Sad and frustrated at the lack of incentive the game gives me to play at this point in my D2 history (almost 3k hours), and at the lack of desire I have to do these things. Going to keep this pretty plebian since I see no point in being aggressively upset... This morning I logged in to do the weekly story as I do every week, since I am in the office on reset day. I went up to speak to Riven, got the next step, read it, stared at my monitor for 2-3 minutes and turned my xbox off... First time i've done that with a main quest step, [u]ever[/u]. I don't have an interest in doing another coil to collect things i've already collected hundreds, if not thousands of. It makes me incredibly sad. I've got thousands of hours on this game. I love the lore, I have all the books. I love the storytelling. But I couldn't be bothered because the weekly MAIN quest step was "do the seasonal activity" again. It's not that I don't have the time, I am just not interested enough to slosh through 15-30 mins of seasonal activities, to end up running a Riven's Lair, to get an egg where the chest should be, to go back to the helm, to run a lost sector in DC (that still doesn't have alt LZs), to get a 30 second conversation BACK in the Helm, to be left disappointed after sleepwalking/speedrunning through the actual gameplay of the weekly quest. I figured okay well if i don't wanna do the quest step, maybe I can do something else, OH the Dawning is live! Same thing... Memento is baller. Really cool. The weapons? not-a-one. Armor is purchase only. I don't buy the event cards. What is there to chase? So now, I haven't done the weekly quest, AND am uninterested in the seasonal event going on. I am really sad, really frustrated, bored, pissed off, dejected, unmotivated to play; and I wish something would happen to bring that spark back. Maybe it's the fact that I have everything already, maybe it's because the content isn't great, maybe its me just being pessimistic. I don't feel the love anymore, and it really breaks my heart.



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  • This is the byproduct of them caring more about weekly logins ( timegating ) than anything else. Ever since the low stakes, meh loot seasonal model it’s just routine after routine. It worked well enough at first “ look at how consistent these logins are “. Then the players got tired of the same predictable formula over and over. Especially because there is always a repetitive seasonal activity loop that they lock all story info behind. Bungie cared/cares way more about their logins than they do any enjoyment or quality. Now everyone is simply tired of it



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