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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/11/2024 4:21:31 PM

Can someone explain why crow is in the helm?

I don't mean in general, I mean on my character who completed the seasonal story and watched him jump through a portal and heard Mara constantly talk about finding her connection with crow ....why is he standing outside rivens chambers ? Like you know well enough to get rid of riven on that character in the coil and helm and lair , why is crow still here ? And does bungies laziness know no bounds ...
#lore #destiny2



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  • Have completed the Seasonal Questline with all three Guardians on my account and Crow is nowhere to be seen. This [i]suggests[/i] to me one of the following: 1) You’re experiencing the type of random issue that occasionally pops up that can be fixed by simply clearing your cache. 2) You have another Quest/Storyline active on that character that includes a step that requires you to “speak to Crow in the HELM”, so he’s still there to prevent you from being locked out of completing said Quest. 3) You’re mistaken. Perhaps you actually completed the Seasonal storyline with a separate Guardian rather than the one you were playing when you saw Crow in the HELM. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)



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