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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/28/2024 2:29:37 PM

Going through my old scrap book

I hopped on my youtube scrap book, really to see what I had put on there and to see if I could piece my thoughts together. [url=]Thought/Mind Ship[/url] Sure compared to the infinite void of space we are barely grains of sand, these beings were way smaller, exploring a planet must have been like exploring a galaxy. I remember making an argument to my pops about Star Trek, if I had ftl comms and data transfer and the ability to teleport people. I wouldn't need a huge expensive ship. Just something with energy, comms, and a teleportation kit. [url=]How we were built to think[/url] I had gone from the child-like mind, black box, unsolvable problem lore, to a summed up in game quote...which was awesome, but there is more there. Rebuilding. I still think we are about to experience the collapse again, a fragment of Rasputins sleeping code still exists somewhere in the loop (this is going to sound like a lore card, maybe you'll remember which). Somewhere there is always a sleeping code of Rasputin begging to be discovered, that will lead to the array, that will lead to the garden, that will lead to its "death". Someone is always stepping through the door. We need to create this object that is [Nothing|Everything], this thing that is real and can never be...the perfect paradox, the thing that exists yet doesn't...we needed to create that, for reasons. [url=]Lights[/url] May not want to watch, it's pretty boring. This one is about the little lights that flicker in and out of existence mainly around vex areas, and the squiggly lines too. There is also the light being forefront over objects, only to become rendered as you walk up. I'm sure there was a lore card about these experiences I have forgotten them though. I think they are mainly where the vex are, but I think I remember them on Titan, hidden...but can't go back and explore it yet. The lines dealt back with CoO, and can't go back there. [url=]Invade[/url] I still cannot believe we did this for a possessive being. I mean it is the most subtle egregious thing we have done and could ever do. I'm sure the consciousness is now scarred...or since time doesn't matter, it's just plain old pissed off and put a plan in motion where [b][i]TIME[/i][/b] doesn't matter. [url=]Philosophy 101[/url] "We don't care, it's just a game" "What make the green grass grow?" At the end of everything, whether you have conquered or just stand as the last eternal being, you have the next hurdle of "why and what was the purpose". Well, I really do hope the "witness" brings purpose and meaning across the colors and shapes of reality. I do mean across the expanse of everything. Purpose right now, is driven solely on the ideals and opinions of everyone else, and controlled through currency's and information. Please bring a "better" purpose, a collective meaning, a singular focus without smoke and mirrors. Going back to my aeon cult lore stuff, just waiting for the taboo to fry my mind. Think I'm just going to start chanting from the nerconomicon, bringing hell to earth would definitely cause a change. [url=]harpies being weird 1[/url] [url=]harpies being weird 2[/url] This is mainly for Bungie, but why are the harpies the ones always wanting to interact with us?
#destiny2 #lore



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  • Honestly I’m curious to see what the Witness’s endgame regarding itself is. We know it sees life as it exists now as needless pain and wishes to snuff it out to spare us that pain, but does the Final Shape end at universal genocide and it’s own destruction, the end of everything? Or is it that insane, that deluded enough to believe that it can perhaps do better, creating its own ‘life’ stripped of free will, chance and growth? Another major flaw of Lightfall and its seasons, we only understand the Final Shape as it pertains to us.



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