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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Storm: 3/6/2024 9:55:02 AM

Clogging/trolling the fireteam finder (in game)?

I’ve been running Prophecy for the smg. I came across something kinda odd. There’s a guy listing “Farming | Second Checkpoint” for Prophecy Dungeon in the in-game Fireteam Finder I wont post his name, for obvious reasons. But his post has consistently been the 3rd from the top since yesterday’s reset. No matter how many times you refresh the page. Plus, if you sign on, you don’t get an invite. Is this a bug? Or is the guy just trolling? People are weird these days, it’s hard to tell 😂 Edit: There are 3 posts that have been at the top of the list for nearly an hour now. I’m guessing they’re running bots or something?



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  • There were two over the weekend that were bugged out and you couldn't try to join them or your cursor would start spinning for a while. Kept the posts up for 2 days at least. I can't imagine they were able to stay online that long so it has to be an issue with Fireteam Finder itself.



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