I am unable to progress the storyline for season of defiance on a character of mine due to Crow not being in the helm anymore. After I finished season of the wish's story on my three characters, I decided to finish up any legacy quests I had in my inventory on my second and third characters. Once I got close to the finale of season of defiance's story though, a milestone appeared asking me to see Crow in the HELM. However, because I had finished Season of the Wish on that character prior to progressing that legacy quest for season of defiance, Crow was no longer there. Because of that, I haven't been able to complete this milestone. It has been lingering on the side of my screen on my titan for the past few months with no way to fix it other than deleting that character and re-doing that quest again (along with all other campaigns if I wanted veteran dialogue, etc). I've attatched a link to a screenshot of the map of the HELM with Crow not there while the milestone is showing.
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