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5/4/2024 7:46:13 PM

Synthesis Bounties Not Reset

Synthesis bounties were supposed to reset when into the light dropped. This issue may have been cause by having 100 rigid synthcord in my inventory when it dropped, but regardless im extremely frustrated because fashion is my endgame



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  • Hey there! Could you tell me your source for the date of the reset? Into the Light released on April 9th while the bounty reset already happened before that, on March 5th. Bungie firstly announced the Synthcord bounty reset in this [url=]TWiD[/url] from January 18th, dating it to a March update. Later, they said that this update would be on March 5th, and the source is this [url=]TWiD[/url] from February 8th. Here, it was also stated that [b]these bounties would not stack with the ones from the start of the season[/b], meaning you would not get all new bounties if you did not complete all 10 prior to this. Here are the [url=]patch notes for the March 5th update[/url], stating that the bounties have been reset.



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