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Reclutamento clan

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Modificato da ll Unbolted ll: 6/12/2024 12:36:57 PM

Ya ever wanted t’be an Outlaw? Now’s your chance, join the Outlaws today

The Oùtláws are looking for new recruits. We’re open to anyone joining us as long as you’re active and are willing to communicate through chat or with mic and play with the rest of the clan. We try to do it all here: raids, dungeons, strikes, crucible, gambit, and more. Above all else we strive to be a hub for players to meet up and play with friends or get help with quests. If you’re a seasoned player like myself great! If you’re a new light, no problem. We are willing to teach new players raid and dungeon mechanics and more endgame content like helping with quests. Every Sunday we have Squad-up Sundays where clan-mates will get together and just enjoy playing the game with one another. We’re small right now but we’re building up. If you’re interested shoot me a message. Eyes up guardians.



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  • [quote]The Oùtláws are looking for new recruits. We’re open to anyone joining us as long as you’re active and are willing to communicate through chat or with mic and play with the rest of the clan. We try to do it all here: raids, dungeons, strikes, crucible, gambit, and more. Above all else we strive to be a hub for players to meet up and play with friends or get help with quests. If you’re a seasoned player like myself great! If you’re a new light, no problem. We are willing to teach new players raid and dungeon mechanics and more endgame content like helping with quests. Every Sunday we have Squad-up Sundays where clan-mates will get together and just enjoy playing the game with one another. If you’re interested shoot me a message. Eyes up guardians.[/quote]



    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

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