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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
6/22/2024 11:16:35 PM

Replace Diamond Lance with Tectonic Harvest for Prismatic Titan

I want to preface this by saying, [b]please fix the proposed stasis crystal interaction for Consecration and Diamond Lance[/b]. It's a little ridiculous that Prismatic Titan launched with some of its main specific elemental interactions completely broken, and even more so that it's still broken in week 3. That being said, Prismatic Titan is in a rough spot. Build options are limited and rely on a narrow pool of exotics. what options do exist lack interesting synergy and are less rewarding and/or flexible than implementing their strategies on mono subclasses. Prismatic Titan lacks any feature that I like to call 'powerhouses' - elements that constitute an engine for a build, such as Prismatic Warlock's Feed the Void, or Prismatic Hunter's Combination Blow/Gambler's Dodge loop. On other subclasses, these would include such aspects as Sol Invictus, Into the Fray/Banner of War, etc., or fragments like Ember of Empyrean or Thread of Generation. Prismatic Titan simply does not have access to any such forms of ability cycling, and what's needed is something that provides access to this whilst also granting extra mitigation needed to support a melee playstyle. Because of this, I think Tectonic Harvest and the newly added Frost Armor would make for a pretty elegant starting point for a solution. Here's the adjusted prismatic version I propose: [i]Shattering a Stasis crystal or frozen target, or defeating a target affected by any elemental debuff creates a Stasis shard. This shard grants melee energy when picked up by you or your allies. While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, picking up Stasis shards grants stacks of Frost Armor.[/i] Stasis shards provide Prismatic Titan with the much needed means to keep its melee abilities funded, and being able to access them from kills on elemental debuffs adds some much needed prismatic flavour and consistency in exchange for lacking Behemoth's very high crystal generation. Also, inbuilt access to mitigation in the form of Frost Armor grants Prismatic Titan a unique identity over its class counterparts - the means to intrinsically access multiple forms of defensive tools, especially Void Overshield and Woven Mail. All of this combines to create the fantasy of a robust bruiser that also provides melee energy to its allies as a nice supportive bonus, but that demands upkeep of Frost Armor - which can never be too strong due to lack of access to Whisper of Rime - and buildcrafting choices for managing other defensive keywords, mainly Facet of Purpose but also other aspects like Unbreakable, or exotics like Abeyant Leap or Stoicism's Spirit of Abeyance. As for Diamond Lance, which would have to be lost in exchange, unfortunately it simply isn't strong enough to justify using. The reward is too little in exchange for too much investment. If Behemoth wants to access Diamond Lances, it's best running Cadmus Ridge Lancecap and passing on the aspect completely (imo, ideally Diamond Lance should be replaced as an aspect and the functionality fully transferred to the exotic). Meanwhile, on Prismatic Titan it essentially amounts to a means to buff Thunderclap via Facet of Courage, which is too narrow a benefit to lament losing, especially when Shackle Grenade and Drengr's Lash can provide the same bonus. There are definitely other directions to take here, such as replacing Drengr's Lash -> Into the Fray, or Consecration -> Sol Invictus, but I think this is a good opportunity to push the envelope on Stasis' mini-rework and provide Prismatic Titan with a unique gameplay loop of Frost Armor management. Whatever the case, Prismatic Titan needs some love and I hope you agree. I implore my fellow Titans to share their thoughts on this or make their own forum posts with suggestions for a rework, so we hopefully end up with a healthier Prismatic Titan in the future.



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