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7/21/2024 5:45:44 AM

Join Elite Shadow Assassins ✦ Chill/PVE ✦ 21+ ✦ NA

Hey Guardians! Elite Shadow Assassins is recruiting! We are looking for quality players, not numbers. ESA is a small PVE based clan that likes to help one another in various activities and missions in Destiny 2. From grandmaster nightfalls, raids, dungeons, campaign missions, exotic quests, and more. If you're looking to play with some friends, have fun and get some quests done, join us! Please message either myself or the clan leader [url=]Abacuz[/url] if you're interested in joining. We do have a clan discord server for communication purposes, so make sure you have the app! If you have any questions, please direct them via DM. [b]Clan Requirements:[/b] ❒ Discord Account ❒ North American Time Zones ❒ 21+ years old ❒ Mic ❒ Active Player (3─4+ days per week) ❒ Own recent expansions and dungeon keys



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