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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
7/24/2024 9:18:48 AM


I'm curious, does anyone finds it fun to play objective game mode on comp? I think I much rather have, skirmish, or elimination on the comp playlist more than a zone control. What you guys think ?



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  • Can someone please call Activision to see if they can explain why I just played a match where everyone on my team obviously had the worst connections in the lobby? Our ping delta peninsulas appeared to be all kinds of out of whack.



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  • There's a huge difference in the way Comp plays now compared to years gone by. Not even remotely similar. Objective modes were introduced as a way to level the field and include disinterested players - for the loot farmers Bungie incentivised / invited into the mix to appease them. They don't care about winning. You can find a rich history of confirming commentary here. It's ruined the mode. It's you vs your opposition vs your own team vs the Bungie construct. There's zero "comp" in Comp to be found....regardless of whether you're playing solo or on a pre-made. Things are somewhat different as you get higher in the ranks, but the problems persist. I have "Glorious" but never equip it because it doesn't mean sh*t. Any solo player who has enough patience to weed through all of the loot farming quitters, afk, etc....more power to ya, I don't have time nor inclination for the bullsh*t. During the Unbroken days when Survival was the only mode, and there was only one pinnacle reward once you reached the mountaintop - those were the glory days. People played for the sake of enjoying the mode. Comp was comp, pure and simple. I have Unbroken equipped most of the time as tribute to better days gone by. ....quitters and AFK were far fewer and further between back then. There was no such thing as loot farmers and disinterested players in the lobby. And in Survival, when you did have a quitter you could still turn 2v3 into wins it should be. This vs being penalized in the current system. It's 100% Bungie sanctioned sabotage, rendering ALL in-game reports for sabotage non - actionable. Fact. It's a completely screwed system. Bungie should have always made PvP for PvP players instead of trying to forward it's proven failed conceptual efforts to include those that didn't want to play the list and / or "reward" them for sabotaging snd being huge detractors from the mode.



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    2 Risposte
    • Survival was fine...but that so called Bungie Pvp Strike Team knows



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      2 Risposte
      • I would much rather have kill-only modes in comp. It would make solo-queuing much more enjoyable.



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        1 Rispondi
        • I actually like comp control because it changes how I need to play, and gives more defensive players time to shine.



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          5 Risposte
          • It was and should forever be Survival.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Absolutely not. Comp should be about gunfights not capturing any zones or whatever else bs.



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            • The problem with objective based game modes is for some reason in Destiny 2 players don’t understand you need to get kills in order to play the objective. I get max rank every season on the first day and I usually end the season in top 100 players in the world. I notice in objective based game modes people will complain all the time about other people not playing the objective. They never stop to think “if the enemy team is alive and they’re killing us how do we cap the flag?” You can’t play the objective from the death screen and you can’t play the objective when you’re getting pushed off it or when you can’t even get on it. But for some reason, I have absolutely no clue why, the casual players don’t understand this. The get 20 flag caps in a game and say “Look I got 20 flag caps! Look how much I contributed!!” When the reality is 1 flag cap that you hold for an entire duration gives you more points than 10 flag caps you hold for 3 seconds. If you end the game with a lot of flag caps it’s because you lost a lot of flags NOT because you played well. Stop worrying about the flag FIRST, the FIRST thing you do is play your life, the SECOND thing you do is make sure your the enemy team is dead, the LAST thing you do is play the objective. Or don’t. At the end of the day we’re all the ranks we are because we know what we’re doing right?



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              6 Risposte
              • Yea this nonsense of zone cap is garbage and ultra boring being forced to play a certain area a certain way, f all of that. I miss survival, elim and yes countdown 🤌🏼



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              • Ever since I first played Halo 2 I've treated Ranked game modes inside shooters the same as any other shooter/FPS (or any game with a competitive mode for that matter...) I'm honestly not too bothered about Objective or Slayer game modes just as long as my team mates are Competitive and aim to win.



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              • It’s fine changes it up



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              • Elimination is already in trials and what good would it really do with the way that mode winds up working almost no matter what. The last game of zone control I played was absolute insanity with the way the game was spawning people though. Something else would at least be less frantic.



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              • Comp control is a easy win because most people don't pay attention to zones moving. You can pull some huge Upsets against better players and be out slayed and still win.



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