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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da yummybeer: 7/28/2024 6:47:13 PM

Prismatic Hunter PvP Nerf

EDIT 2: To all the people who doubted prismatic hunters using Khepri's Sting with grapple melee and smoke bombs to get one hit kills could also be a problem, I give you this video: Again, to clarify, the issue isn't that prismatic hunters can combo abilities to get one hit kills in pvp. The issue is how often they can do it. That has been my point from the beginning. EDIT: Hey, angry hunter mains. The more you attack me, the more you boost my post. This post is now the top non-Reddit Google result if you search "prismatic hunter nerf". So every time you attack me with some variation of "git gud, hur hur hur", all you're doing is exposing my ideas to more people. To start, I really don't understand this sentence from today's TWID: "The goal of these changes is to reduce frustration around playing against Prismatic Hunters without negatively affecting their performance in PvE content." Doesn't Bungie have the ability to tune things independently in pvp and pve? If I'm not mistaken, nerfing the lethality of prismatic hunter in pvp should have no bearing on its lethality in pve. So, unless I'm mistaken, this concern isn't legitimate. I also don't think the nerfs to threaded specter and swarm grenade went far enough. I'd love to be wrong, but I doubt it. Here's why... It wasn't just the damage of threaded specter, it was the frequency. I didn't realize this until I started looking things up to make sure I wasn't talking complete nonsense, but just using threaded specter improves the regen speed of hunter dodge. Titans don't get an improvement to barricade regen speed just for casting barricade, or even for suspending enemies. Warlocks don't get an improvement to rift regen just for casting a rift, or even for doing damage with threadlings. Hunters are the only ones who can improve the regen speed of their class ability, and they can do it for free. No wonder threaded specters are everywhere in pvp. So round 2 of the nerfs to prismatic hunter should take that away. Hunters shouldn't be able to improve the regen time of their class ability just by creating a threaded specter... which then gives hunters the ability to create even more threaded specters. I honestly don't think that will even go far enough, so I think at some point Bungie will also have to add an additional cooldown timer for threaded specter. Bungie said in the TWID that their target for pvp games is eight minutes, so even if the cooldown timer for threaded specter was set to one minute a hunter would still be able to use threaded specter eight times. For all the hunter mains who are OUTRAGED at the suggestion that they're still too powerful in pvp... the base cooldown for a the titan frenzied blade melee is 114 seconds (that's almost two minutes for the people keeping track at home). Titans are supposed to be the melee class and, even with my suggestion of a one minute cooldown for threaded specter, hunters can still create almost twice as many threaded specters than titans will have melee charges in a pvp game. My one minute cooldown suggestion would actually just bring threaded specter into line with the warlock arcane needle cooldown. So, all the outraged hunters out there can go cry into their cloaks; prismatic hunter is broken, no matter how angry you get at the mere suggestion. Also, let's take a minute to bathe in the irony that warlocks get their melee charge back about 20% faster than titans, when titans are supposed to be all about melee. Adding to the irony... threaded spike for hunters does have a longer base cooldown than frenzied blade, but hunters can get their strand melee back faster than titans if they simply hit one target and catch the spike. If a hunter hits five or more targets and catches the spike then they instantly get their melee back. So again, the melee class (titans, just in case you forgot) is completely outdone by the other two classes. Now, swarm grenade. I've literally had swarm grenade projectiles chase me a quarter of the way across the map. Nerfing their travel distance by 20% isn't enough. Again, I'm not going to go through the effort of collecting data for real numbers. But let's just say the swarm grenades pre-nerf will chase an enemy for 20 meters (because it makes the math easier). A 20% nerf means that swarm grenade will now only chase you for 16 meters. That's still too much. The nerf really should be closer to 50%. The range of swarm grenade projectiles shouldn't be more than the range (before damage falloff) of Drang.



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