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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
8/15/2024 11:06:23 PM

Divinity Quest in raid

me and my team were just in the Garden of salvation raid for 6 hours doing divinity, we got to the boss minotaur and all the sudden during the middle of the phase we all got booted from the raid and lost all progress on the divinity quest, making us have to redo the entire raid and all the puzzles. is there anything that can be done regarding this matter?



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  • [quote]me and my team were just in the Garden of salvation raid for 6 hours doing divinity, we got to the boss minotaur and all the sudden during the middle of the phase we all got booted from the raid and lost all progress on the divinity quest, making us have to redo the entire raid and all the puzzles. is there anything that can be done regarding this matter?[/quote] It should not take 6 hours. No, going to orbit resets progress in the puzzles.



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