Prismatic Hunter is still too strong, and this IB mode (and Eruption upcoming) need to have a selectable node for regular Control.
Hi, thousands of hours in Crucible here with average success and here's a wall of text about why I need to find something else to play as the PVP experience in this game is running on fumes. Despite a few attempts now to balance the prismatic hunter kit the class still remains the strongest for 3's and 6's, and it isn't really all that close. Smokes still provide too much direct utility (vision/weaken/slow) and the wombo with swarms is basically unchanged. Swarms by themselves are wild too by providing area denial, "seeking" damage that stacks up way too fast considering how smart and aggressive the tracking is, and if you survive your health regen is delayed until the scorch fades away. Swarms should have a reverse "full court" element where they do less damage to you the further they have to travel. Or, if you choose to run right through one, you take the current amount of damage. Swarms and the Clone having their cooldown lengthened is mildly helpful, but it's tough to notice when most players in most games are on the class and the map is littered with abilities. And it sure is easy to tell how many hunters are present once "super o'clock" arrives and the triple thundercrashes start flying around. That super has such nonsensical range - great distance with the knife throw which can also OHK on impact, but the "spin" atthe landing site would kill you in the basement and on the roof of a tall building. You can't realistically get out of the way and it just feels really bad to play against. The weapons in the game are pretty competitive outside of 120's with precision instrument and well rolled 340's with easy two bursts. However, with a reduced player count anyone who's still in your lobby is likely very good, so it really highlights how easy a lot of the weapons are to use in this sandbox with everyone hitting 3 taps while performing a Simone Biles floor routine, or you peek a lane and get walloped by a firing squad. And the ammo situation! how did we arrive back here!? There's a ton of green back on the map. And speaking of "arriving back" how is Knucklehead Radar providing such incredible information similar to when OEM was running rampant? The hunter kit needs a fundamental change - remove swarms and replace them with tripmine. Smokes shouldn't change my movement speed at all - keep that effect for duskfields, which I also kind of hate. And Eruption is already pretty "snowbally", correct? and you get increased ability regen when streaking? I can't fathom a 5 or 6 stack of prismatic hunters deathballing from one side of Endless Vale to the other - I'm going to sit that one out. Thanks for coming to my TED talk and feel free to let me know if any other PVP games you're enjoying.
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