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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da 変だ_ポカリ: 9/30/2024 3:49:10 AM

Exotic Suggestions/Fixes: Promethium Spur

So after checking in on this exotic, the biggest thing holding it back is that its perks either: take your super to activate and if not during your super: create the double rift on enemy bodies? AND take your rift energy, if you ever wanted to just save it up so what can we do? the obvious is just to, use better exotics but everything exotic should feel exotic they're gold after all. so how should we fix it? first off and foremost, let this work on all subclasses, and remove the "spawns on super kill" thing i mean seriously, imagine using this in a gm, you wouldn't, because they're usually all bunched up, and the boss shouldn't die to 1 super, making the spawned rifts really risky to even get to what it should do during super, is give your rift a different animation that lasts .25 second(s?) and speed up your rift energy during super by 500% (even 1000% just to get this exotic used) okay what about without a super, what should it do? 2 rift charges, holding the class ability button consumes both (and also requires both charges) and spawns the double rift, and getting kills with a weapon that match your super (and kinetic maybe) extend the rifts timer, AND leave the old effects like create an extra rift at a kill with a weapon matching your super plus the 20% energy is this strong? kind of is it better than before? yes pls leave your suggestions and thoughts, I really want peoples eyes on this to see some change



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  • I would rather just rework the whole exotic away from the while rift concept, you're suggestions aren't entirely bad but the problem literally is the exotic and its function , unless the rifts provide something new or wild i don't really know anybody who wants to lean into their rifts when they could just kill an entire room. The fact this exotic has remained untouched for this long is crazy.



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