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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/14/2024 10:56:43 PM

Twitch Emblem Drops

Hi everyone, I recently found out I missed out on an awesome emblem called "We Began In the Stars" that dropped as a Twitch reward for tuning into the Destiny 2: Revenant Act 2 reveal. As with all the other reveals that begin early on weekdays, I can't ever tune in on my phone or a device to watch the stream while at work. I know this is purely cosmetic and is only an emblem, but what frustrates me is the fact that these emblems are offered during such small windows of time and can't be earned through watching a VoD, etc. I'm sure it's equally frustrating for those that have these streams early in the morning/overnight. I know this is a small issue for few, but I figured I'd voice my opinion here and see how others felt. Thanks for hearing me out. Hope all is well with everyone. -AJ



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